
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

1913-2013: An Hundredyear of Horrific Wars, Part I

The last one hundred years have been the bloodiest in human history.  What accounts for this?  Certainly one may point to the size of the armies fielded by the nations, or the weapons used by them, whether conventional or unconventional.  But things such as these are secondary considerations.

Most fundamentally, this new age is possible because ‘he who restrains’ (II Thessalonians 2:7) the work of evil in the world, the Tsar of Russia, the Christian Emperor, has been removed.  This momentous event occurred in 1917 when Tsar-Saint Nicholas II abdicated (he and his family were murdered in 1918).  

St John Maximovitch, the Archbishop and Wonderworker of Shanghai and San Francisco, said of this event in 1957:

‘Forty years ago, a single day saw the collapse of the greatness and glory of the Russian State, a bulwark of peace throughout the whole world. The signature of the Sovereign, the Emperor Nicholas Alexandrovich, on the act of abdication from the Throne, is a historical boundary separating Russia's great and glorious past from her present dark and cruel circumstances’ (emphasis added).

As Russia has become more herself since the end of the Soviet occupation, as she has begun to embrace once more the Orthodox Christianity of her forefathers, we are also seeing a renewal of Russia’s peace-working in the world.  This was illustrated most recently by Russia’s effort to avert war in Syria.

While this is encouraging, without the restoration of the Tsar in Russia, things will probably not improve all that dramatically in the world.  The reasons for this will be explored in the second and final part of this series.

In closing, however, the entire memorial sermon preached by St John the Wonderworker referenced above is reproduced below.  The reader will find much of value there, whether it be the true nature of kingship or the true character of St Nicholas II and Russia herself (as opposed to the caricatures of these presented in history books, news stories, etc.) and so on.


Homily Before A Memorial Service For The Tsar-Martyr Nicholas II
Archbishop John Maximovitch,
now St. John of Shanghai
and San Francisco
Compiled by Fr. Demetrios Serfes

F orty years ago, a single day saw the collapse of the greatness and glory of the Russian State, a buwarkof peace throughout the whole world. The signature of the Sovereign, theEmperor Nicholas Alexandrovich, on the act of abdication from the Throne,is a historical boundary separating Russia's great and glorious past from her present dark and cruel circumstances.

The entire weight of the present regime's evil and its reordering of life is aimed at honest, well-intentioned and devout people, and the whole nation lies in oppression and constant fear. People are afraid of their own thoughts, thoughts they have not expressed aloud; they are afraid that what they are thinking might be reflected in their facial expressions.

What happened that day, forty years ago?

Apostasy from God's Anointed, apostasy from an authority submissive to God, apostasy from the oath of fidelity to the Anointed Sovereign, given before God, and the giving over to him to death.

He who had devoted all his strengthin God's name to the service of Russia was deprived of authority, and then also of freedom.

For decades the dark forces of evil carried on a struggle against God's Anointed, against the ruling authority faithful to God. These same forces also killed the Emperor Alexander II,the Tsar-Liberator.

This crime sobered the people, it shook the entire country, and that moral up surge gave Emperor Alexander III, the Peacemaker, the opportunity to rule Russia with a strong arm.

Russia enjoyed two decades of peaceful life and development. Then a new conspiracy arose for the overthrow of the Royal Throne.

It was a conspiracy of Russia's enemies.

Within Russia itself there was a struggle against her very essence, and, having destroyed the Throne, Russia's enemies even obliterated her name.

Now the whole world can see the close connection between the Royal authority, faithful to God, and Russia. When the Tsar ceased to be - Russia ceased to be.

The struggle against the Tsar and Russia was carried out by concealed godlessness, which later revealed itself openly.

Such was the essence of the struggle against the Tsar and Russia, against the foundation of her life and historical development.

Such are the meaning and aim of that struggle, which perhaps not everyone realized - those who were its accomplices.

Eveything filthy and paltry and sinful which could be found in the human soul was summoned against theTsar and Russia. All of this, with all its might, rose up in struggle againstthe Royal Crown, which was crowned by a cross, for Royal service is bearing of the Cross.

People always rise up against the Cross by means of slander and falsehood, doing the devil's work, for, according to the word of the Lord Jesus Christ, "When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own; for he is a liar, and the father of it " (St. John 8:44).

Everything was roused up againstthe most meek, pure and abundantly-loving Tsar, so that at the terriblehour of the struggle against him he would remain alone. Filthy slanders were spread before hand against the Tsar and his family, so that the people would grow cool towards him.

Faithfuless allies took part in the conspiracy. When the Sovereign was in need of moral support, his closestassociates did not provide it and violated their oath. Some took part inthe conspiracy; others, out of weakness, counseled abdication. The Tsarremained completely alone, surrounded by "treachery, baseness andcowardice."

From the day of the abdicatio, every thing began to collapse. It could not have been otherwise. The one who united everything, who stood guard for the Truth, was overthrown. A sin was committed, and now sin had easy access. In vain do some wish to separate February from October,* the one was direct consequence of the other.

In those March days, Pskov becamethe Tsar Gethsemane, and Ekaterinburg-his Golgotha. Tsar Nicholas died as a martyr, with unshakeable faith and patience, having drunk the cup of suffering to the dregs.

The sin against him and against Russia was perpetrated by all who in one way or another acted against him, who did not oppose, or who merely by sympathizing participated in those events which took place forty years ago. That sin lies upon everyone untiit is washed away by sincere repentance.

In raising up prayers for the reposeof his soul, we pray also for Tsars Paul I and Alexander II, who were likewise slain in March. And we pray for the forgiveness of the Russian people of the grave sin of betrayal and regicide. Woe to those who call evil good and good evil. Before us, before the Russian people, lies the path of resurgence-which is the path of consciousness of sin and repentance.

For the rebirth of Russia, all political and other programs of unification are in vain: what Russia needs is the moral renewal of the Russian people.

We must pray for the forgiveness of our sins and for mercy on our homeland, just as the Lord God freed Israel from the Babylonian captivity and restored the ruined city of Jerusalem.

*Many attribute the Russian Revolution to the Bolsheviks, who seized power in October (.S.) 1917. Archbishop John and others point out that the groundwork for the Revolution was laid much earlier, as evidenced by the lack of support given the Tsar the time of the February uprisings, which precipitated his forced abdication in March. -pub.

(Source: "MAN OF GOD SAINT JOHN OF SHANGHAIAND SAN FRANCISCO", Nikodemos Orthodox Publication Society, Redding,Ca., 1994., pp. 131-133).

Humbly submitted
With the love of Christ Our Lord,
+ Reverend Presbyter Demetrios Serfes

Glory Be To God For All Things!


To read more about St John Maximovitch, one of the great lights shining forth in the gloom of the twentieth century (and who continues to shine with special relevance today), please visit the following sites:

"Glorious apostle to an age of coldness and unbelief, invested with the grace-filled power of the saints of old, divinely-illumined seer of heavenly mysteries, feeder of orphans, hope of the hopeless, thou didst enkindle on earth the fire of love for Christ upon the dark eve of the day of judgment; pray now that this sacred flame may also rise from our hearts."

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