
Friday, February 14, 2014

Our Best Ally

The words The Tsar-Emancipator
Will pass beyond the Russian border.

-From ‘To the Slavs’, version read 12 May 1867, Poems and Political Letters, p. 148.

She [Russia-W.G.] will ope passageways before you
And like a living citadel
Between you and the foe will stand
And always nearer him will draw.

-From ‘To the Slavs’, version read 21 May 1867, Poems and Political Letters, p. 149.

Whether the South as a whole or only some of the States within her boundaries are able to find faith and courage enough (the two are inseparable) to leave the Corporate Empire of America, they ought seriously to seek alliance with Russia, the only real Christian resistance to evil in the world, just as other nations have done, west and east, such as Brazil, India, and South Africa.  Father Andrew elaborates:

It is clear that in 2014 we are facing a turning point on the road of world history. On the one hand, we have the four nations of the newly-formed Eurasian Union (The Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Belarus and Armenia) with its originally Orthodox Christian unity in diversity basis and ideal of symphony of Church and State, which is in the forefront of the Spiritual Resistance Movement; on the other hand, we have the anti-Christian US/EU, much imitated by the rest of the world, largely made up of former EU and present-day US colonies, although several decades behind their colonial masters. Therefore, there are today only two choices. What is uncertain is whether this is the end or just the last shock before restoration of the Orthosphere and Orthodox government which is the only thing that now stands between Christ and Antichrist, between the Orthodox Church and her faithful and the militantly atheist Western world. Time will show which way we are going to go.

Source:  ‘The Euro-American Revenge against International Orthodoxy’, 28 Jan. 2014,, accessed 14 Feb. 2014

The way is clear.  Let us manfully pursue it.

Works Cited

Tyutchev, Fyodor I.  Poems and Political Letters of F. I. Tyutchev.  Trans. Jesse Zeldin.  Knoxville, Tn.: U. of Tenn. Press, 1973.

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