
Thursday, June 5, 2014

Georgia in the Crosshairs? And Some Good News from Wisconsin

The State of Georgia seems to be caught in a tug-of-war between the forces of evil and the forces of good.  The mayor of Atlanta, Kasim Reed, was invited to attend the yearly Bilderberg meeting (mentioned in yesterday’s post also), where some of the most powerful Christ- and tradition-hating men and women of the world gather to formulate policy. 

Attendee list:

Story out of Atlanta station WXIA:

Also troubling is the presence in Georgia of a monument named the Georgia Guidestones, a monolith that calls for an ‘Age of Reason’ (which, as the French and Russian Revolutions have shown, is the same as a violently anti-Christian order) and a world population of 500,000,000, among other things.

Source:, entry dated 6 May 2014, accessed 5 June 2014

She did take a step in the right direction, however, with approval by her State Legislature and Governor to place the Ten Commandments at the capitol building.

And so the spiritual battle of the people of Georgia continues.

Meanwhile, from Wisconsin, comes encouraging secession news:

In April, several members of the Wisconsin Republican Party inserted a resolution in the State Party platform expressly recognizing the right of their State to secede from the Union. It was voted down May 3, but the move received national press. The Daily Beast published an article on both the resolution and modern secession movements in Vermont and Alaska, and the Drudge Report included a link to the story.

 . . .

There is, however, a sliver-lining to this exchange. We are starting to win. In the aftermath of 1865, no one would have attempted to insert a secession resolution (innocuous as it was) into a State Party platform, particularly in Wisconsin, the birthplace of Lincoln’s Republican Party. That is until now. Secession was bloodied and bludgeoned on the battlefield, but it is the American tradition, codified by Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence and pursued in both the North and South several times before the War in 1861. The rise of secessionist groups in the United States in the last twenty years is clear proof that the Lincoln myth of perpetual Union and forced association is fading, albeit slowly.

Young people have seen that the emperor has no clothes and are flocking to the principles of independence in growing numbers, both personally and politically. And it is peaceful. There are Michael Murphys in every State. Our job is to cultivate them, to help them understand that the Southern political tradition of Washington, Jefferson, Taylor, Henry, Calhoun, Lee, Davis, and Bledsoe did not die after Appomattox. It lives in the spirit of liberty, of independence, and most importantly, of truth.

Source:  Brion McClanahan,, posted 22 May 2014, accessed 5 June 2014

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