
Friday, September 22, 2017

Has nature gone crazy?

WASHINGTON (AP) — With four big hurricanes, a powerful earthquake and wildfires, it seems that nature recently has just gone nuts.

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“Nature’s gone crazy,” mused Jeff Masters, meteorology director at the private service Weather Underground. . . .

Nature has not gone crazy, but man has.  As he rebels more and more against God, he drives away the protection of God, and the demons make sport, destroying whatsoever they may.

Man’s doomsday weapons cannot be discounted, either:

However, there is no need to fear for those who draw near to God and to His holy angels and saints:

O Chosen by the pre-eternal God, Queen of heaven and earth higher than all creation, who hast in days past entered praying into the Church of the Blachernae we, offering Thee with thanksgiving due veneration, flee with faith and compunction under Thy shining vestment for we lie in darkness. And Thou who hast invincible power dost set us free from every affliction that we may cry to Thee: Hail! our Joy, protect us from every ill by Thy precious veil.

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Thou, O Theotokos Virgin art knowledge unknowable in defense of Orthodox people. Therefore our enemies know not how strong is the prayer of the Mother of God: while we well aware of Thine all-mighty protection cry to Thee with tender feeling . . .

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The wordy orators, become as dumb fish, are at a loss as to how to praise as is due, the great feast of Thine all-precious protection: for all the things said by them about Thee suffice not to number Thy mercies alone. And we, seeing Thy good works without number, cry with gladness:

Hail! Thou who dost guard us from the deadly plague in which all perish.

Hail! Thou who dost preserve cities and villages from sudden earthquakes.

Hail! Thou who dost lead us out with Thy strong arm from flood and drowning.

Hail! Thou who by the dew of Thy prayers dost deliver us from the kindling of fire.

Hail! Thou who dost provide against hunger of soul and body by the Bread of life.

Hail! Thou who dost lead away from our heads the blows of lightning and thunder.

Hail! Thou who dost save us from the attacks of strangers and secret murderers.

Hail! Thou who dost guard us with peace and love against family quarrels and the enmities of those of our own blood.

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Singing the praises of Thy mighty protection, we praise Thee for Thou art to us all our firm Advocate and we venerate Thee who dost pray for us: for we believe and we trust that Thou wilt beg of Thy Son and God eternal and temporal good things for all who cry thus to Thee with love:

Hail! strong Defense of the whole inhabited earth.

Hail! sanctification of all the earthly and heavenly elements.

Hail! Thou Blessing of all the seasons of the year.

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Source:  ‘Akathist Hymn to Our Lady of All Protection’,, opened 27 Dec. 2014


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

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