
Friday, March 16, 2018

‘St Edward, Martyr-King of England’

King Edward,
Zealous for Christ,
King Edward,
The Church he was building.

The holy youth,
Enemies he made.
The holy youth,
By his kin was betrayed.

Stabbed in his side,
Was dragged by his horse.
Stabbed in his side,
His life cut short.

A pillar of light,
O’er his grave appeared.
A pillar of light,
His righteousness showed.


O Southland,
God-loving and young.
O Southland,
Toward Truth was walking.

The pleasant folk,
Enemies she made.
The pleasant folk,
By Northmen betrayed.

Plunged into war,
Her right arm she lost.
Plunged into war,
A cripple became.

In darkness she lies,
Till St Edward she seeks.
In darkness she lies,
Till his Faith receives.

Holy icon of St Edward (+978, celebrated 18 March (martyrdom) and 3 Sept. (translation of relics)) from, 15 March 2018

An account of his life is on this page:


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

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