
Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Offsite Post: ‘How to Solve the Southern Problem in America’

Josiah Flieger:   . . . Welcome back to the Pilgrim’s Path radio program here on the American Faith Network.  We were talking before the break with Dinesh D’Souza, author of the new book, Why Lincoln Should Have Annihilated the South.  Why don’t you pick up where you left off, Dinesh.

Dinesh:  Thank you Josiah.  I would be glad to.  As I was saying, the South is the vilest region in America.  The Democrat slave owners, they just couldn’t help themselves.  It’s like they were possessed.  Every day they had to beat their slaves until both were exhausted.  And if they were unable to mistreat them for some reason, they fantasized about it.  You’ve heard about the ‘lazy Southerner’, haven’t you?

J:  Sure.  Who hasn’t?

D:  Well, this is why he never got anything done:  He was always dreaming about beating a black slave.  Even today, I’m told, people hear voices at the graves of slave owners, bemoaning the fact that they can no longer wield a lash.

J:  I’m curious Dinesh:  What would you say to those who claim that Southerners really did care about the black people who lived on their farms and plantations?  There are reports around that only a small percentage of Southerners actually owned slaves, that many who did worked together with them in the fields and went to church with them, that they admired their folklore and preserved a lot of it in writing, and even cared for them in their old age when they were no longer able to do productive work.

D:  I have to say, Josiah, that this is a really clever trick of the racists in the South.  They are simply following the playbook of the Nazis, the Soviets, and other hate-filled people by creating a fake narrative to hide the truth.

J:  That sounds believable.  But isn’t exterminating the South as you propose in your book also a tad hateful?

D:  No Josiah.  It is simply for the sake of justice and progress.  The South has always been a drag on the fulfilment of America’s mission to redeem mankind through the new politics of the perfectly rational and scientific constitution, founded on the will of the people, which the blessed Puritans of New England initiated here in North America.  We try to wash and purify, but the Southerners smear and stain with their ridiculous notions of tradition, patriarchy, a farm-based economy, and on and on.

They are deserving for holding back progress and also for their crimes against humanity.  They denied men their rights; they shed blood - so let their blood be shed.

J:  That is what the Lord told the Israelites to do in the Old Testament to the heathen nations.  You must be on the right track, Dinesh.

D:  There is a strong resemblance between the two, isn’t there?  We should not expect God to bless America as long as the abomination of the South is polluting her land.  Abraham Lincoln, the great Republican President, and his generals like Sherman and Sheridan made a strong effort at cleansing the land of evil, but they were unable to finish the job.

J:  But they did make a lot of progress.  They ended slavery and wiped out almost a whole generation of backward white Democrats in the Southern States.

D:  Of course, of course.  I didn’t mean to downplay the significance of President Lincoln and his war.  He is the only one who had the courage and wisdom to begin a long overdue process.  Everyone else has hidden behind the cowardly ideas of compromise, local autonomy, and these kinds of things.  But he, Lincoln, the greatest of all the Presidents, finally acted.

 . . .


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

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