
Thursday, June 6, 2019

An American High Holy Day

The Evangelical world is aflame today (6 June) with declarations of American righteousness in World War II, particularly as it relates to D-Day and FDR’s prayer ‘for the boys’.  One ensample, from Tony Perkins’s show:

But this is quite a lot of narcissism and lies.  World War II wasn’t the ‘good war’:

It was, as globalist Carroll Quigley wrote, a war manufactured by his fellow Elites to destroy what was left of traditionalist, monarchist Germany as a world power in order to further their plan of global dominance using American power:

As for FDR and his heartfelt prayer for the soldiers on D-Day, where was all his fatherly love and care for the young men of the States when he was provoking Japan to attack us at Pearl Harbor?  Pat Buchanan, using Herbert Hoover’s research, reveals what kind of man President Roosevelt really was (hint:  he ain’t the kind old grandpaw the Evangelicals are making him out to be today):

Paul Craig Roberts has some stunning words as well on this manufactured American Holy Day:

Today is the 75th anniversary of the Normandy invasion.  Once again the event is celebrated by demonization of National Socialist Germany and glorification of America’s greatness in winning the war.  

In actual fact the Normandy invasion was not a significant contributor to Germany’s defeat.  A small US/British/Canadian/French force of about 150,000 soldiers of which about 73,000 were American faced a few German divisions at half strength and short of fuel and ammo.  The real war was on the Eastern front where millions of soldiers had been fighting for several years. 

The Red Army won World War II.  The cost to the Soviets was between 9 million and 11 million military deaths.  Adding in the Russian civilian deaths, the Soviet Union won the war at the cost of between 22 million and 27 million Soviet lives.

In contrast the US had 405,000 soldiers killed during WW II of which 111,600 died fighting the Japanese in the Pacific.

The falsification of history applies to World War II just as it does to everything else in the West, and President Trump’s D-Day speech exemplifies how false our history is.  Russia is simply left out of the story.  Putin was not even invited to the celebration.  The celebrants consisted of outgoing British prime minister May, failed French president Macron, and outgoing German chancellor Merkel who was there to celebrate her own country’s defeat, but they might as well not have been present.  Trump made the occasion America’s greatness.  We defeated Germany at a cost of less than 300,000 soldiers killed.  The Russians who lost 36 times more soldiers are not considered to be sufficiently important to the victory over Germany to be invited to the celebration.  

We do not deny that there were many praiseworthy acts of self-sacrifice and courage by soldiers from the States in WWII.  But this should not blind us to the reality that WWII, D-Day included, was simply another link in the chain the globalists have been welding together to bind the whole world together under their one rule.

For those who want to celebrate an actual Christian holy day today rather than a ‘Murcan simulacrum, it is Ascension Day in the Orthodox Church.  We encourage folks to read about and take part in it rather than the delusional D-Day euphoria:

It is often, I believe, that we have a tendency to think of Christ’s Ascension as a purely spiritual event. In other words, we embrace a sort of cyrpto-docetism in thinking of the Ascension. (And “Docetism” is the name given to the heresy which claims that Christ was not truly human, but that He only seemed to be.) When Christ was raised up and seated on the right hand of God, I think that it is often the case, without our even being aware of it, that we think of the Christ of the Ascension as a purely spiritual being, raised up to heaven and leaving his humanity behind like a shed skin. But this is simply not true. When Christ became Incarnate and took on flesh and he took on our humanity not just for a season, or during His time on Earth, but for all time.

And this is the significance of St. John Chrysostom’s quote: “If you want to find out how great man is… raise your gaze towards the throne of God and you will see sitting at the right of power a Man, Jesus Christ.” This is the significance of this feast. For in becoming Man – in becoming Flesh – Christ not only reveals to us the glory of God the Father, but he also shows us the true glory and the true destiny of humanity as well. Christ ascends into the clouds in order to raise up our fallen nature to the great heights of Heaven.

 . . .

Yet it was through His lowliness and humility that Christ was victorious. Similarly, it is only through humility that we are victorious. It is in our own pride and arrogance that we fall and are thrown down. We read this quite clearly in the Gospel of Matthew: “Whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.” There is a sort of humanism which seeks to glorify man, but does so without God. It says: “Man is great, and we can make our own achievements and pursue our own advancements and attain our own heights, and we don’t need God to do this. We’re perfectly fine on our own.” And even if we don’t consciously subscribe to such a philosophy, how often do we, as Orthodox Christians, certainly think this way in our day-to-day thoughts? How often do we, through our pride, rely on what we perceive as our own intellect, our own cleverness, our own achievements, our own looks, or what have you? How often do we feel slighted when people don’t notice all of our supposed good qualities? How often do we feel we aren’t given the respect or credit we feel that we deserve? We are proud of our own achievements and good qualities, yet there is no humility in this [A perfect mirror of American narcissism--W.G.]. We see such thinking even amongst Christ’s disciples. How many times do we find them arguing amongst themselves as to who among them was the greatest? Yet Christ consistently answers their quarrels by trying to teach them humility: The last shall be first and the first shall be last… (Matthew 20:16)


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

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