
Monday, June 10, 2019


The name ‘Iona’
Has a magic ring to most,
But they have chased away
The Holy Ghost
For a druid or for worse.

They have forsaken you,
Father Columba,
The blazing coal
Burning bright with the Fiery Light
Of Heaven’s Dove.

Pillar of Fire,
You made Iona
A house of light
That pierced the pagan darkness
Of Westernesse.

Pillar of Stone,
You built churches
And kingdoms there
On foundations

But her sons have,
Little by little,
Blinded the eyes of their hearts,
And their hands have
Laid new cornerstones.

Iona, keeper of
Western Europe’s
Sacred Flame, the storehouse
Of her Holy Light,
The axis her Christian Faith
Revolves around:

Father Columba,
By your prayers
Help her to see
Where her salvation lies.


Both images via Dmitry Lapa’s good article on St Columba (+597, commemorated 9 June):


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

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