
Monday, June 17, 2019

It Is Impossible to Love Fathers and Hate Kings

Many Evangelicals, to their credit, love to trumpet the Biblical picture of fatherhood.  There are books and articles a-plenty by Truett Cathy, Bryan Fischer, William Federer, et al.  It is a terrible misfortune that their political views do not match up with their love for fathers.  For, unwittingly, those wedded to republican ideology undermine the authority of fathers in the family by undermining the authority of the king over the extended family of the ethnos. 

Patriarchy, fatherhood, is woven into the fabric of mankind’s life.  Mr Federer did well in quoting Pres Nixon as he did, who says essentially that very thing:

In 1972, President Nixon established Father's Day as a permanent national observance (Proclamation 4127), stating:
"To have a father — to be a father — is to come very near the heart of life itself.
In fatherhood we know the elemental magic and joy of humanity.
In fatherhood we even sense the divine, as the Scriptural writers did who told of all good gifts corning "down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning"—symbolism so challenging to each man who would give his own son or daughter a life of light without shadow ... "

Nixon added:
"Our identity in name and nature, our roots in home and family, our very standard of manhood—all this and more is the heritage our fathers share with us ...

If one attacks it at one point - whether the bishops, priests, and deacons in the Church, the king in the nation, the father in the family, God’s rule as King over all His creation, etc. - it is an attack on the patriarchal principle as a whole, such that if one of them falls, they all will fall eventually.

This is one of the major problems in the States today:  In continuing to reject the authority of a king over us, we are little by little eroding the authority of all other father-figures over us.  [r]epublicans, especially Evangelical republicans, are trying to have it both ways:  to honor fatherhood in the home, but to reject it elsewhere (in the Church’s priesthood and in politics).  But the balancing act won’t last.  As Juan Donoso Cortes of Spain said, the republican society will either descend all the way to democratic hell, or it will repent and return to God-ordained monarchy.  As of right now, it appears that the South and the other States are inclining toward the former rather than the latter.  And unsurprisingly, chaos is breaking out everywhere.


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

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