
Thursday, September 12, 2019

The Fruit of Protestantism

Mr Abraham Hamilton, III, was giving Judge Tigar a hard time today on his show The Hamilton Corner (12 Sept. 2019) over his ignoring of the rebuke of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals following his issuing of a nationwide injuction of new asylum rules.  The case is summed up as follows:

The U.S. Supreme Court has let stand — for now — a Trump administration rule that denies asylum to immigrants who didn’t first seek refuge in another country before reaching the United States.

The decision, announced late Wednesday, comes after the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals late Tuesday put on hold an earlier ruling by federal district Judge Jon Tigar, who issued a nationwide injunction on the rule Monday.

The Supreme Court’s action is at least the fifth decision by the courts on the rule since the Trump administration announced it in July as a way to deter Central Americans and others from seeking asylum in the U.S. The high court said the decision stands until the case plays out.

Tigar halted the policy soon after it was announced, but a three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals later ruled the ban could only take effect in Arizona and California, a decision that allowed the policy to be implemented in Texas and New Mexico.

Tigar then reinstated the nationwide injunction with his Monday ruling, only to see the appeals court allow the policy to continue in Texas and New Mexico.

After Wednesday’s Supreme Court decision, the rule is now in effect in all four border states.

 . . .

What Mr Hamilton and other Evangelicals of the American Supremacist persuasion do not seem to realize is that Judge Tigar is simply using the same logic as Protestants (and their forerunner, the Roman Catholic Pope):  His individual conscience is the only authority he is obligated to obey; all others may be ignored.

In order to be consistent, Mr Hamilton et al. must either renounce their belief that the individual conscience is the final authority to which one is beholden, or they must not rebuke Judge Tigar and others like him who rebel against higher authorities in the name of the inner voice of conscience.


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

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