
Thursday, October 31, 2019

Louisiana’s Future

Folks, this right here, this so-called ‘debate’ between the candidates running for Louisiana’s governership, is an embarrassment:

It is worse than that; it is reprehensible.  It is a complete inversion of what one would find in a Christian society.  Every kin-group - and Louisiana is just such a thing, a small clan within the bigger clan of the South - is first of all a spiritual being, though its religion is expressed through the material.  Thus, the material, while not profane or evil, is of secondary importance.  What is of primary importance is the soul that moves the matter.  But these two dimwits, these two dunderheads, Gov Edwards and Mr Rispone, are keenly intent on murdering the soul of Louisiana.  They desperately want to drown her in materialism, in rantings about health care, high-tech jobs, taxes, infrastructure.  Their conception of Louisiana is that she is solely a monetary enterprise, nothing more. 

The subject that should have dominated this debate and every political discussion is how to make sure Christianity is blossoming among Louisiana’s folks.  Without that, nothing else matters.  Salvation alone is the measuring rod of success.  Did the Lord not say it:  What good is it to gain the whole world yet forfeit your soul?  Here are a few words from the great preacher St John Chrysostom (+407) to press home the point:

Israel’s spiritual immaturity is the rationale behind God’s inspiring and motivating His people primarily by the promise of earthly blessings:

It was especially when the majority of people were handicapped by limitations that He gave them these material goods.  He led the Jewish people, at any rate, along such a way of living.  Wealth abounded for them, remember, life was lengthened into old age, all diseases were absent; for those believing in God there was granted destruction of enemies, profound peace, trophies and victories, the blessing of large families, and everything of this kind.  But when our Lord Jesus Christ came calling us to heaven and urging us to spurn the here and now, encouraging the love of those other goods, and detaching us from things of this life, it was appropriate for these things to be reduced, and all riches to be found instead in those other things, now that we had become perfect.  In the case of children, too, their parents provide them when still small with such things as footwear and clothing, gold trinkets and armlets; but when they grow up, they take these things from them and give them other things of greater importance, reputation in public life, prominence in high society, confidence in the imperial court, offices and influence, thus drawing them away from childish ambition.  That is exactly what God did:  he led us away from those trifling and childish things, and promised us the things of heaven.  So do not pine for what is passing and fleeting, and let not your spirit be stunted.

--Archpriest Josiah Trenham, Marriage and Virginity According to St. John Chrysostom, St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood, 2013, pgs. 124-5

This debate, and politics in Louisiana in general, prove how spiritually immature (and worse, how spiritually impoverished) she is, how stunted her spirit really is.  Louisiana’s soul is literally at death’s door.  Through the prayers of her great intercessor St Martin of Tours, may she be granted forgiveness and resurrection.


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

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