
Saturday, October 19, 2019

Overemphasizing the Family; and Middle East Diplomacy

In considering further the claim of Mr Abraham Hamilton, III, that the family foredates any other institution - church, prophet, etc. - it continues to make less and less sense.  For if the family does indeed come before any other office (and we disagree rather strongly about calling the Church an ‘institution’ or anything of the sort that implies a merely human origin since she is nothing other than the Living Body of the Ascended and Glorified Lord Jesus present in this world), then it is of necessity a group of unruly and ignorant and unsaved individuals.  If there were a family before there were a king, who governed it?  If there were a family before there were a priest, who offered sacrifices for them?  If a family before a prophet, who taught them the ways of the Lord?  If the family came before the Church, how were they united to God?

The family could not come before such as these.  But this is how heresies start, with an overemphasis on some point of doctrine that swells to the point of causing a rupture in the Church.  Mr Hamilton may not realize it, but that is where his teaching on the family is heading.  If the family is more important than the Church, then one day we will hear someone proclaim that the family is the source of Grace in the world, that the Church as we have known her, as the local eucharistic assembly under the authority of a bishop having Apostolic succession, is unnecessary, that one must be married and have children to be considered truly a Christian, and such like.

May God prevent a new heresy in this land that has given birth to so many already.


Mr Bryan Fischer is adamant that the [u.] S. military has no business getting involved in the Middle East, that nothing can be done to pacify the region other than complete military dominance, as with the British Empire in the 20th hundredyear:

Walker Wildmon has likewise stated the same, with the exception that protecting the nation-state of Israel is in the national interest of America (even though ‘America’ is not a nation, but a voluntary confederation of many countries; and even though the Orthodox Church is the New Israel).

Russia, however, shows us something different:  that it is possible to negotiate with Muslims and that protecting Christians in the Middle East can be considered part of a nation’s vital interests:

Americans can call themselves the greatest country the world has ever known if they wish, but their muddled foreign policy alone gives the lie to that claim.


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

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