
Sunday, December 1, 2019

Happy Feast! - for the Saints of November

Celebrating some of the saints from the South’s Christian inheritance of various lands:


9th – St John the Dwarf, one of the great Desert Fathers, a wonderful example of obedience and humility

11th – St Menas, soldier and martyr in Egypt; he worked a miracle that proved decisive in World War II

17th – St Longinus of Egypt, an humble and wise Desert Father

24th – St Peter of Alexandria, the bishop who excommunicated the arch-heretic Arius; he was the last bishop of Alexandria to suffer martyrdom under the heathen Roman emperors

25th – St Catherine of Alexandria, a most illustrious and wise confessor and martyr

29th – St Pitirim, another of the great Desert Fathers and a disciple of St Anthony the Great

30th – St Frumentius, first bishop of Ethiopia


1st – St Caesarius of North Africa, martyred for trying to stop an evil pagan festival that involved suicide; his fellow martyr was St Lucius.


3rd – St Hubert of Maestricht and Liege, a zealous hunter in his secular life, later a wonderful bishop who endured wrongs patiently, showed mercy to the poor, battled idolatry in the Ardennes, and worked many miracles

23rd – St Trond, a nobleman who became a preacher and monastic founder and helped free parts of Belgium from idolatry


3rd – St Rumwald, a three-day old infant and prince, who professed the Faith immediately after baptism and then died.  His veneration spread quite far in Europe.

4th – St Beornstan, a tender-hearted bishop of Winchester

10th – St Justus, Archbishop of Canterbury, a faithful pastor over England

16th – St Alfric, Archbishop of Canterbury during the trying times of the Danish invasions

17th – St Hilda of Whitby, she is called ‘the Mother of All England’, one of the greatest saints of the English

19th – St Ermenburgh, Queen of Mercia, foundress of the important monastery of Minster-in-Thanet in Kent, where she later served as abbess and then lived as a simple nun

20th – St Edmund, King of East Anglia, martyred viciously by the Danes; he is England’s original Patron Saint


4th – St Clarus (Clair), born in Rochester in England, he went to France, where he lived as a hermit near Rouen. He was murdered in the village of Saint-Clair-sur-Epte where he lived and which is named after him. His relics are venerated there to this day.


7th – St Willibrord (Clement), one of the great enlighteners of the German lands, the Apostle of Frisia especially
Shorter version
Longer version

8th – St Werenfrid, another English missionary who worked among the Germans

8th – St Willehad, Bishop of Bremen, honored as the Apostle of Saxony

12th – St Liafwin, another who labored for the salvation of the Germanic peoples


1st – St Austremonius, enlightener of Auvergne

1st – St Benignus, enlightener of Burgundy and a martyr

1st – St Marcellus, a great bishop of Paris

3rd – St Flour (Florus), an apostle of Languedoc

3rd – St Papoul, a preacher and martyr in Languedoc

5th – St Bertille of Chelles, a remarkable abbess whose virtues kept a monastery that included former queens and princesses in a state of humility, peace, and striving after God

6th – St Leonard, a nobleman who became a hermit, abbot, preacher, and liberator of captives; this remarkable Saint was greatly venerated across France and England

7th – St Tremorus, the infant son of St Triphina, he was murdered in Carhaix in Brittany by his stepfather, Count Conmore. He is the patron saint of Carhaix.

11th – St Martin the Merciful of Tours, one of the greatest saints of the West; he is intertwined deeply in Louisiana’s history

13th – St Mitrius, a martyr and patron saint of Aix en Provence

13th – St Brice, a successor of St Martin of Tours as bishop of that diocese, he first had to conquer his pride and sloth

15th – St Eugene, one of the early missionaries to France who was martyred with St Denis of Paris

16th – St Eucherius of Lyons, one of the finest adornments of the French Church

17th – St Aignan of Orleans, a great pastor and protector of his flock

17th – St Gregory of Tours, from a family of saints, a wonderful bishop, historian, and wonderworker
For links to his works, scroll near the end of this page:

20th – St Silvester, bishop of Châlons-sur-Saône in France from c 484 to c 525. St Gregory of Tours describes him as 'the glory of confessors'.

26th – St Basolus (Basle), born in Limoges in France, he became a monk at Verzy near Rheims, and then a hermit, living for forty years on a hill near the city. He was celebrated as a wonderworker.

27th – St Maximus, Bishop of Riez, he gave away his inheritance and became a wise and wonderworking monk, abbot, and bishop

29th – St Saturninus of Toulouse, a holy and wonderworking bishop who opposed the heathen gods and died a martyr, being dragged behind a bull until he died


13th – St Abbo, born near Orleans in France, he became a monk at Fleury (St Benoît-sur-Loire). Invited by St Oswald of Worcester to take charge of the monastery of Ramsey in England, he stayed there for two years (985-7) and wrote the Life of St Edmund. He then became Abbot of Fleury 988. He was martyred in La Réole in Gascony


1st – St Cadfan, an enlightener of Wales


9th – St Benignus (Benen), 'Benen, son of Sessenen, St Patrick's Psalmsinger'. A favourite disciple of St Patrick, whom he succeeded as the main bishop in Ireland. He preached mainly in Clare and Kerry and founded a monastery in Drumlease.

10th – St Aedh MacBricc, monastic, bishop, and wonderworker

12th – St Sinell, one of the 12 Apostles of Ireland

12th – St Cumian Fada, a king’s son, he became a monk, teacher, and monastic founder

15th – St Fintan, his journeys touched nearly all of Western Europe

24th – St Colman, the patron saint of Cloyne; he was a royal bard before becoming a monk and preacher; he was baptized by St Brendan the Voyager

24th – St Kenan, a great evangelist in Ireland

27th – St Sechnall (Secundinus), a disciple of St Patrick. In 433 he became the first Bishop of Dunsauglin in Meath in Ireland and later served in Armagh. He wrote the earliest poem of the Irish Church - an alphabetical hymn in honour of St Patrick.
St Sechnall’s hymn is translated here:

29th – St Brendan of Birr, one of the 12 Apostles of Ireland and a close friend of St Columba of Iona


27th – St Virgilius (Fergal), an Irishman who brought the light of the Gospel to Bavaria and especially Austria, where he is venerated as the Apostle of Carinthia


12th – St Livin, an Irish bishop (and poet) who preached among the heathen of Flanders and was martyred together with others


20th – St Autbodus, born in Ireland, he preached in Artois, Hainault and Picardy in the north of France and Belgium. He reposed as a hermit near Laon.


13th – St Kilian, an enlightener of Artois

14th – St Saens, an Irish monk and abbot in northern France

20th – St Maxentia, an Irish noble lady who lived as a hermit in the north of France and was murdered there


23rd – St Columbanus, a beautiful light adorning the West; his prayers, poems, miracles, and monasteries helped establish Christianity in Western Europe.


8th – St Gervat, left Ireland and lived as a holy hermit at Elgin

12th – St Machar of Aberdeen, one of the earliest evangelizers of Scotland; his work bore much fruit

13th – St Denick of Caithness, a fellow-worker of St Machar and St Columba in evangelizing Scotland

19th – St Medana, a holy virgin from Ireland who went to Scotland and lived in Galloway

27th – St Fergus, an Irishman who preached among the Picts

New Rome:

14th – St Justinian the Great, Emperor; Christian civilization, from Europe, to Africa, to Asia, flourished under his rule

Old Rome:

1st – St Mary, a slave in a Senator’s family, tormented for her faith in Christ

5th – Sts Galaction and Epistime, a husband and wife who were martyred together

4th – Sts Vitalis and Agricola, a slave and his master, martyred in Bologna; the steadfastness of the slave Vitalis in his death encouraged his master in his martyrdom

7th – Four Crowned Martyrs, two pairs:  one of officials who spoke out against worshipping idols; another who refused to carve idols

18th – Dedication of the Churches of the Chiefs of the Apostles, Sts Peter and Paul, in Rome by the Holy Emperor St Constantine the Great, 4th century

22nd – St Cecilia and those martyred with her; St Cecilia was of noble lineage but gave up all for Christ.  She is a patroness of church music in the West.  The fervor and dedication of her and her fellow martyrs is remarkable.

24th – St Clement, bishop of Rome, a disciple of the Holy Apostle Peter; he converted many souls in Rome and Crimea (where he was exiled); he was martyred in Crimea where God worked many wonders through his holy relics


2nd – Sts Baya and Maura, anchoresses in Scotland, St Baya guided St Maura and the latter became abbess of a convent.

8th – St Moroc, a much venerated bishop of Dunblane

30th – St Andrew the Holy Apostle, Patron Saint of Scotland, close to 800 churches were dedicated to St Andrew in Scotland in the Middle Ages.  The X-shaped Cross of St Andrew is the inspiration for the familiar Southern battle flag.
See the footnote here for how St Andrew’s relics came to Scotland:
The missionary journeys of St Andrew:


9th – St Pabo, after life as a soldier in Scotland, he came to Wales and in Anglesey founded the monastery later called Llanbabon after him.


3rd – Martyrs of Sarragosa, (+304 A.D.), an exceedingly large number of martyrs put to death in Saragossa under Diocletian by the savage prefect Dacian, who had been sent to Spain to enforce the decrees. He published an edict exiling all Orthodox from the city, and while they were leaving he ordered the soldiers to fall upon and massacre them. Eighteen of them are honoured separately on April 16.

13th – St Eugene I of Toledo, a Spanish Goth, born in Toledo in Spain. He became a monk at St Engracia in Saragossa. Finally, in 646, he became Bishop of Toledo. He was a gifted poet and musician and zealous for the beauty of the liturgy

17th – Sts Acisclus and Victoria, brother and sister, they were born in Cordoba in Spain and were martyred, probably under Diocletian. Their home was turned into a church. They are the main patron-saints of Cordoba and were venerated throughout Spain and the south of France.

24th – Sts Flora and Mary, martyrs during the rule of the Muslims


13th – Arcadius, Paschasius, Probus, Eutychian and Paulillus, all of these were born in Spain and exiled to Africa by the Vandal Arian King Genseric, where they became the Protomartyrs of the Vandal persecution. Paulillus was only a boy, the little brother of Sts Paschasius and Eutychian


16th – St Othmar, a wise and holy abbot of St Gall Monastery who raised it to great heights of accomplishment; he would later die at the hands of persecutors


3rd – St Gwyddfarch, hermit of Moel yr Ancr (the bald hill of the anchorite), one of the many monks and nuns of the West who sanctified their lands by their holy lives and prayers

3rd – St Winifred, a maiden martyred by a carnally minded prince, whose holy well still attracts many pilgrims and grants cures

6th – St Illtyd, one of the greatest saints of Wales; he was learned in all sorts of knowledge, and founded monasteries, churches, and schools all across Wales

8th – St Tysilio, prince and abbot, founder of several churches

10th – St Elaeth the King, a Briton driven into Wales by the Picts. He became a monk with St Seiriol in Anglesey in Wales. Some of his poems still exist.

12th – St Cadwaladr, a holy king of the Welsh, the last Welshman to rule the island of Britain before the English rose to power

23rd – St Daniel of Bangor, a well-loved bishop of that place


18th – St Maudez, born in Wales, he lived as a hermit near Falmouth in Cornwall, where a village is named after him. Later he went to Brittany where he is known as St Maudez and where many churches are dedicated to him.


3rd – St Clether, born in Wales, he was a hermit in Herefordshire, now in England. The village of Clodock is named after him.

7th – St Congar, he helped people Wales and England with monastics

8th – St Cybi, during his life he was a pilgrim, for a short time a king, a priest, an abbot, a bishop, a hermit and a preacher.

14th – St Dyfrig, he filled parts of Wales and England with holy monasteries


15th – St Malo, first bishop of Aleth in Brittany

30th – St Tudwal, a great evangelizer of Brittany in France; one of the Seven Patron Saints of Brittany


6th – St Winoc, a royal prince of Welsh blood who became a monk in Brittany and then a missionary leader in Flanders, helping to found and lead a monastery there which held a hospital for the poor whom he served with his own hands; an humble man who loved to serve others, and a wonderworker


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

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