
Friday, April 17, 2020

Mormon Exceptionalism

Utah is likely planning on leaving the Union.  The evidence for this, most recently, comes in the form of the signing of SB102 by Utah’s Gov Gary Herbert.  This act reduces the severity of the penalties for polygamy to that of an infraction, something akin to a traffic ticket:

Thus, after generations of battling with Washington City over one of their core, defining doctrines and practices, the Mormons are reclaiming their autonomy from the Feds.  Now a new era likely begins in the States, one in which ‘Mormon exceptionalism’ rises to displace ‘American exceptionalism’.  Whatever yardstick one uses - be it work ethic, outward morality and good societal order, dedication to family and religion, material prosperity, scientific innovation, etc. - the Mormons have outdone and will continue to outdo their New England Yankee forebears.  And this will happen because Mormons have established what the Puritans in New England failed to:  a theology that brings all their worldly passions and ambitions into a harmonious system.  Puritanism tried and failed, falling first into Social Gospel nonsense and then into outright agnosticism and atheism.  But Joseph Smith et al. have succeeded where they failed.  And now the theocracy in Utah is confident enough that it will resume building the ‘true Kingdom of God’ in North America and beyond one polygamous marriage at a time. 

Just as their Yankee forebears, Mormons have always viewed themselves as a people ‘set apart’, ‘chosen’, having a ‘special mission to fulfil’.  The heretical ‘City on a Hill’ has been transferred from Salem to Salt Lake City.  Thus is Puritanism fulfilled in Mormonism.

In this one may see good and evil, hope and forlornness.  On the good side, it may speed the breakup of an unnatural and dangerous union that has meant so much bloodshed and suffering for so much of the world.  On the bad side, the open Mormon blessing of polygamy will endanger their own souls and lead many away from the true understanding of marriage and sexuality and into the snares of the devil and the demons.  Was the March earthquake in Utah a warning from God not to go down this path?

What should we hope for with regard to a separate Mormon country?  We pray that God will show us, through the prayers of the Saints of North America.


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

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