
Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Return of Regionalism to Politics in the States

This is one encouraging development from the whole COVID fiasco:  Regional cultures are being acknowledged as governors on the West Coast

and in New England,


and the Midwest

bunch together to plan how they can cooperate to reopen their States’ economies.

Hopefully, it will lead to a broad acknowledgment of what Mr Joe Jarvis writes about (bolding added):

 . . . there was never a “United” USA. The fault lines of politics have always fallen along eleven main regions.

For example, “Yankeedom” is dominated by Massachusetts, but extends to most of New England. It has its roots in Puritanism, their style of centralized government, and their value of education. Immigrants from Yankeedom left their mark on The Left Coast, a natural political ally of New England.

Contrast that with The Deep South, born of aristocracy, who believed in a deeply hierarchical structure of society. Or Appalachia, who value individual freedom, and have shifted their alliances with other regions based on who will get the feds off their back.

Woodard argues:

The nations have been struggling with one another for advantage and influence since they were founded. And from 1790, the biggest prize has been control over federal government institutions; Congress, the White House, Courts, and the Military.

As the central government has grown in size, scope, and power, so have the nations’ efforts to capture and reshape it, and the rest of the continent in their image.

Since 1877 the driving force between American politics hasn’t primarily been a class struggle, or tension between agrarian and commercial interests, or even between competing partisan ideologies, although each has played a role.

Ultimately, the determinative political struggle has been a clash between shifting coalitions of ethno-regional nations, one invariable headed by the Deep South, the other by Yankeedom.

These fault lines aren’t going away. But they don’t have to become violent either.

In fact, if the American nations were to go their separate ways, life would be much improved for many.

Not just during a pandemic, when people have very different ideas about the scope of government power.

But also during the looming economic crisis, when currencies, local supply chains, and regional commerce will have to be reinvented.

And no one would have to waste time worrying about who occupied the White House.

 . . .


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

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