
Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Learning from History

Mr Bryan Fischer said several words on Focal Point (Friday, 12 June 2020) that Protestants especially would do well to keep in mind as events unfold in Seattle:  ‘Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it’.

Well-known Evangelicals like Tony Perkins are saying things like the following:

Most people watching Seattle, where armed warlords have taken over whole city blocks, aren't looking at the city with envy. "The rabid foxes are in the hen house," the Washington Times's Cheryl Chumley warned. "These are not poor misguided youth exercising their First Amendment rights. These are criminals -- violent criminals -- intimidating innocent law-abiding citizens... This isn't America," she argued. What this is, she said bluntly, "is some third-world chaotic country crap, where loons and drug-addicted deranged and soulless evil rise up and mount an assault on [ordered] society."

Yet when the president steps in and warns Governor Jay Inslee (D-Wash.) to get Seattle under control, what's the Left's reaction? "[They say] he's simply being his usual racist self by trying to shut down the 'lawful protesters,' as they're deemed in the eyes of the Democrats," Cheryl shook her head. And frankly, she told Sarah Perry on "Washington Watch," the longer this goes on, the better chance it has to get completely out of hand. "If you don't think other[s]... are watching CNN right now with interest in planning and plotting similar takeovers of their own, I think you have your head in the sand -- because I think this is going to spread as far and wide as the leftist violent thugs can make it."

As disturbing as the situation is, she points out, there's something even more concerning -- and that's the complete capitulation on the part of political leaders. "Republicans could be a little bit louder about the problems here," Cheryl agreed. "But really, the Democrats giving these people voices, treating them as if they're First Amendment, law-abiding protesters instead of what they really are [is shameful]." The banner of the Democratic Party, she thinks, has truly become "No law, no order -- just mayhem."


In essence, their argument is that the violent lunacy in Seattle is mostly a problem that stems from the ideology of the Left.  But this is where their ignorance (or willful blindness) of history must be addressed.  For it is not Marxist ideology that is ultimately to blame there, but the PROTESTANTS’ VERY OWN WORLDVIEW.  What we are witnessing in Seattle with the CHAZ (Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone) is simply the replaying of what happened in Münster, Germany, in the 1530s during the Protestant Reformation.  From Dr Vladimir Moss:

State power protected the Calvinists from the ferocity of the Papists in both the England of Elizabeth I, and the France of Henry IV. And yet Calvinists had an alarming tendency to come out against the state, splintering off into ever more extreme movements of an apocalyptic nature that advocated political as well as religious revolution, and were accompanied by moral excesses directly contrary to the strait-laced image of traditional Protestantism. The most famous example of this was the Anabaptist revolution in Münster.

Owen Chadwick writes: “At the end of 1533 the Anabaptist group at Münster in Westphalia, under the leadership of a former Lutheran minister Bernard Rothmann, gained control of the city council. Early in 1534 a Dutch prophet and ex-innkeeper named John of Leyden appeared in Münster, believing that he was called to make the city the new Jerusalem. On 9 February 1534 his party seized the city hall. By 2 March all who refused to be baptized were banished, and it was proclaimed a city of refuge for the oppressed. Though the Bishop of Münster collected an army and began the siege of his city, an attempted coup within the walls was brutally suppressed, and John of Leyden was proclaimed King of New Zion, wore vestments as his royal robes, and held his court and throne in the market-place. Laws were decreed to establish a community of goods, and the Old Testament was adduced to permit polygamy. Bernard Rothmann, once a man of sense, once the friend of Melanchthon, took nine wives.

“They now believed that they had been given the duty and the power of exterminating the ungodly. The world would perish, and only Münster would be saved. Rothmann issued a public incitement to world rebellion: ‘Dear brethren, arm yourselves for the battle, not only with the humble weapons of the apostles for suffering, but also with the glorious armour of David for vengeance… in God’s strength, and help to annihilate the ungodly.’ And ex-soldier named John of Feelen slipped out of the city, carrying copies of this proclamation into the Netherlands, and planned sudden coups in the Dutch cities. On a night in February 1535 a group of men and women ran naked and unarmed through the streets of Amsterdam shouting: ‘Woe! Woe! The wrath of God falls on this city.’ On 30 March 1535 John of Geelen with 300 Anabaptists, men and women, stormed an old monastery in Friesland, fortified it, made sallies to conquer the province, and were only winkled out after bombardment by heavy cannon. On the night of 10 May 1535 John of Geelen with a band of some thirty men attacked the city hall of Amsterdam during a municipal banquet, and the burgomaster and several citizens were killed. At last, on 25 June 1535, the gates of Münster were opened by sane men within the walls, and the bishop’s army entered the city…”90

The Anabaptist revolution in Münster came exactly a century after the destruction of the Taborite revolution in Bohemia, which it closely imitated. The Taborites and Anabaptists were in effect communists, a fact which shows that there is a blood-red thread linking the revolutionary movements of late medieval Catholicism, early Protestantism and twentieth-century militant atheism.

--An Essay in Universal History, Volume II, The Age of Reason (1453-1789), 2019, pgs. 84-5,

If Misters Fischer and Perkins, etc., want the States to escape a descent into chaos, they must first renounce their own Protestantism, which has made things like the CHAZ possible. 

But Roman Catholics, as Dr Moss implies, are not any more trustworthy than the Protestants.  Jay Dyer in an interview delves into some of the major errors of the Roman Catholics (which spring up well before Vatican II) here:

What is left is a return to the Orthodox Church, the Church of the Holy Apostles.  If the Protestants and Roman Catholics need an example to goad and guide them (and we all do), we heartily recommend St Alexis Toth (+1909) who reposed in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, but who interestingly labored for Christ for some years in Minneapolis, Minnesota (the epicenter of the present discontent).  He escaped the Roman Catholic/post-Great Schism Western delusion and returned to the Orthodox Faith of his forefathers:

Then, from within the safe walls of the Orthodox Church, they will be able to contribute something true and lasting to the peoples of the States:


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

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