
Tuesday, July 28, 2020

COVID and the Triumph of the Virtual

How can mankind overcome all the evils he experiences in the world?  One group of heretics, the Gnostics, says that the key to doing so is to escape the ‘prison’ of the physical world and live as pure spirit or energy in the pleroma, where the Monad and the Aeons live.  The societal upheaval resulting from the COVID plandemic is taking us straight down the Gnostic path as people are overwhelmingly seeking an escape from the troubles of life in virtual systems, which are a type of the non-physical, Gnostic pleroma:


The surge in video game sales during the lockdowns mentioned in the links above interests us especially, for the structure of most of them, that of a quest to complete or a goal to achieve, mirrors very closely the Gnostic quest of self-deification.  In this regard, the movie Ready Player One holds great significance.  Because it was directed by Steven Spielberg, we may rest assured that it is meant to condition us for the future the Powers That Be want to establish.  Jay Dyer’s analysis of this movie is very helpful, and our summary comes mainly from it:

with a little help from .

In 2045, America has collapsed into a dystopia plagued by riots and run by all-powerful corporations (we are nearly there, are we not?).  But the masses are not without their ‘necessities’, as free Wi-Fi allows them to plug into a virtual gaming world called OASIS (Ontologically Anthropocentric Sensory Immersive Simulation).  In his quest to find the Golden Easter Egg, which grants the finder ownership of OASIS, the main character, Wade, obtains much more:  He obtains godlikeness.

We do not want to dwell too much on the details, so we have left out a lot of the symbols and details Jay covers in his talk.  What is important is the overarching message:  Immersion in the virtual is the way to fulfilment.  And this is the end toward which the Elite are marching us:  virtual schools, virtual offices, virtual sports, virtual life simulators, virtual nature, virtual concerts, and so on:

Satan will do anything to subvert what the Holy Trinity has made:  the beauty and harmony of the physical world; the communion of man with man and man with God through the creation; the deification of man and the cosmos through the Incarnation of the Son of God.  The flight of man from God’s creation to the emptiness of the Gnostic virtual world and the supposed apotheosis he achieves there through The Quest he encounters and completes:  This is of the devil, yet the masses of mankind are happily embracing it out of fear of COVID.

These Elite plans usually progress in a dialectical way, so it is fully expected that a swing back towards some kind of pantheism will happen eventually (the Kingdom of Antichrist will be a kingdom of this world, after all, not merely a digital kingdom of binary code).  But before the Kingdom of Antichrist can be set up, it is necessary to lay waste any of the good things men associate with the physical world that was spoken into existence and given to us by the Logos.  And as this destruction proceeds, the Elite will be ready to receive us with venomous smiles into the rooms of the virtual mansions their Luciferian father has built for us.

Poster via


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

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