
Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Completing the American Revolution

Whenever a people overthrow an anointed king, they are mingling with evil powers, whether they realize it or not.  This holds true for the American Revolution as well.  The Englishman Dr Vladimir Moss elaborates:

     Although Freemasonry is best-known for its catastrophic influence on the French and Russian revolutions, its influence was hardly less profound on the American revolution and on the whole political and cultural development of America, where the great majority of Masonic lodges are to be found today.

     Now there were essentially two kinds of American religion in the eighteenth century: on the one hand, the Masonry of the cultured leaders of the Revolution, who usually belonged to some institutional church but whose real temple was the lodge, and who, as Karen Armstrong writes, “experienced the revolution as a secular event”[36], and on the other, the Protestantism of the lower classes.

     The first Masonic lodges were established in Boston and Philadelphia by 1730.[37] As we have seen, St. Andrew’s lodge in Boston became “a hotbed of sedition” at the time of the American revolution.[38] And several of the leaders of the American revolution were Masons, including Benjamin Franklin (master of his lodge in Philadelphia), George Washington (master of Alexandria lodge No. 22), John Hancock, James Madison, James Monrose, Paul Revere, John Paul Jones and La Fayette. . . .

     “The evidence suggests that [Freemasonry] was at least as important as secular political rhetoric or religious doctrines in animating the men who made the revolution…”[40] 

 . . .

     Masonry’s organization was decentralised and diffuse, and it had very broad criteria of membership. This meant that a very wide range of people could enter its ranks. But this precluded the degree of control and discipline that was essential for the attainment and, still more important, the retention of supreme political power.

     Masonry was therefore the ideal kind of organization for the first stage in the revolutionary process, the dissemination of revolutionary ideas as quickly as possible through as large a proportion of the population as possible.

     But if “the mystery of iniquity” was to achieve real political power, this first stage had to be succeeded by a second in which a more highly disciplined and ruthless, Communist-style party took over the leadership. Such a take-over took place in both the French and the Russian revolutions. Thus in France the Masonic constitutionalists, such as Mirabeau and Lafayette, were pushed aside by the anti-democratic, anti-constitutionalist Jacobins or “Illuminati”; while in the Russian revolution, the Masonic constitutionalists, such as Guchkov and Lvov, were pushed aside by the anti-constitutionalist Lenin and Stalin (the Mason Kerensky was a link between the two).

     The American Revolution was unique in that the first stage has not been succeeded by the second – until today… And we may speculate that this fact is owing in part to the continuing influence of lower-class Revivalism on American political culture. For Revivalism is highly emotional, even anarchical; it is not conducive to the secretive, disciplined, hierarchical discipline of Illuminati-like movements. Moreover, the American colonies, however much they might complain about the British, were not subject to any severe kind of hierarchical control, whether in Church or State.

     Indeed, the United States may be called the world’s first Masonic state. And this dark beginning hangs over it still. Thus in 1976 Fr. Seraphim Rose wrote: "In America this is the ‘bicentennial’ year—and we feel it as especially dark and ominous. Each nation has its guardian angel—thus also each pagan or masonic festival must have its special demon! We in America are grateful for our freedom, but we know the dark masonic origins of our American ideology and tremble for the future when the meaning of the occult symbols of our government (visible in our currency, for example—the unfinished pyramid, the all-seeing eye, the number 13 everywhere, the novus ordo seclorum) will begin to be fulfilled. Even without a Communist coup, our future is dark; ‘democracy,’ after all, only prepared the way for Communism, and spiritually they come from the same source and prepare for the same future…"

     But now, in 2020, it looks as if the Masonic experiment of American statehood is finally unravelling as the first phase of the revolution gives way to the second. Anarchy rules, and as in the Russian revolution, even the police, the last guardians of law and order, are being eliminated – that is, either killed outright, or neutered by timid, liberal-minded state governors, or forced to bow the knee – literally – to the Black Lives Matter movement, which is led by trained Marxists.[43] . . .

 . . . we do not have to wait for the enthronement of the Antichrist: the western world, and America at its head, is now falling to the second, communist phase of the revolution, the reign of the collective Antichrist that has already devastated Holy Russia. “So you also, when you see all these things, know that it is near – at the doors!” (Matthew 24.33).


As with Dr Moss, such things also bring to our mind the prophecy of Elder Ignatius of Harbin (+1958):  ‘What began in Russia will end in America.’

Abbot Tryphon Parsons of the Orthodox Monastery of the All-Merciful Savior, located near Seattle, where some of the most violent of the revolutionary acts has been happening, has had similar thoughts:

 . . . I think that people who are behind the protesters on the streets are trying to spark a revolution. I see in what is happening in the US now many signs similar to what took place in Russia before the overthrow of the Tsar. Many of the first revolutionaries who aimed to force Nicholas II to abdicate later found themselves in the gulags, since Marxists came to power. They simply exploited these people for their own goals. Now in the USA I see a similar situation which very much reminds me of the early stages of the revolution in Russia, and I’m alarmed. Particularly that Christianity is excluded from social life, and believers are subjected to persecution. This especially applies to Orthodox clergymen.

Do you have proof, or is this your personal sense?

—I have an idea of what’s going on, since in the 1970’s, before my tonsure to monasticism, I was a Trotskyite and a member of the Central Committee of the Socialist Workers’ Party of the USA (CCSWP). So you see I have something to repent for. Many things happening today with young activists mirror that which I and my fellow Trotskyites did four decades ago, and this disturbs me.

Today in American society the anti-Russian sentiments are strong, which in my opinion stems from an ignorance of history. I think that all these protests are being guided by people who are fundamentally Marxists and don’t simply want to overthrow the American government but the shake the very core of the nation. In my opinion, the demonstrators simply don’t understand that if they succeed, what happened in Russia when Stalin took power will happen in the USA. These people will be thrown in prison.

That is, you think that the US is now entering a pre-revolutionary period? How do we escape this?

—The US was never so divided as today—only during the Civil War of 1861-1865. But then there was a clear border between the North and the South, while today’s divisions cross state borders. This is in the area of consciousness and ways of thinking. Unfortunately, society today ignores Christianity’s position, most of all Orthodox Christianity, which really scares me. I know many clergymen who express fear at the direction this country is taking.

Maybe if I were not an old person and if I spoke Russian, I would move to Russia so as not to witness what is happening here. But I am staying in the US, I am 74, and I don’t speak Russian. I feel that God’s Providence leaves me here so that I can try to help those who are suffering from today’s events.

Do you see the development of any psychological problems in the period after the end of the quarantine, or later on?

—Many so-called “medical officials” warn that this pandemic will last a very long time, maybe for several years. This could completely destroy the economy and the social structure of the nation, which opens the path to revolution. This also worries me. Also, I fear for our youth, because the educational system in the US is achieving what the Soviets strove to do—destroy all the positive symbols which existed in the Orthodox Church and Tsarist Russia. All this was part of a plan with the aim of taking control of the souls and hearts of people. I think the same is happening in America today. I also think that most people have no idea who really runs our country. It is an oligarchy which has enormous resources at its disposal and does not seek publicity. They want to remain in the shadows, to force civilization to satisfy its needs. I understand that this sounds conspiratorial, but I was a Trotskyite and I know how this all works.

It is important to immerse yourself in the life of prayer

What is the spiritual advice you would offer—what are we Orthodox Christians to do to prevent this and come out of this situation properly?

—The most important thing for us now is to immerse ourselves deeply into prayer and the spiritual life. It is important to read religious books and partake of Holy Communion as often as possible. . . . We must pray for our bishops, for our priests and for each other. We must also concentrate on supporting spiritual sobriety in this difficult time. This demands prayer, fasting, spiritual reading and love—for our neighbors, children, families and everyone who needs help


Even some secular sources agree that the States are in the midst of an atheist/Communist revolution:


But the ‘American Experiment’ was a demonic proposition from the start (all men are equal; because of this, their opinions and votes must all be given equal weight; treating religious pluralism, which begets moral relativism, as a virtue; being forced to acknowledge the Masonic, ecumenistic idol of Americanism as the greatest nation that the world has ever known and will ever know, just as the Babylonians were forced to bow to the golden idol set up by King Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel ch. 3); etc., etc.), and no amount of tinkering with constitutional clauses and the like is going to heal the deep spiritual wounds the peoples of the States carry about on their souls.  Americanism is a grave sin that must be repented of with much contrition.  Yet the Orthodox Church is here; she can apply the healing medicines that are necessary, if the ethno-regions of New England, the Pacific Northwest, Dixie, the Great Plains, and the rest will let her, that is.


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

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