
Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Extending the Lockdown in Louisiana

Gov Edwards has ordered Louisianans to remain in lockdown until August 28th.  Face masks, as he has said in the past, are to be the ‘new normal’.  We will agree with him to a degree:  Masks probably do stop some virus particles from getting into the air.  But, having said that, two important things must be kept in mind. 

First, the number of virus particles blocked is so small that it makes very little difference in the spread of viral diseases.  That is the conclusion, not of conspiracy theorists or anarcho-libertarians, but of an analysis of 2,862 randomized participants in a study reported in 2019 in The Journal of the American Medical Association (the study is linked at the end of this article).

Second, the mechanism that blocks these few virus particles, impairing the breathing of the mask wearers, will lead to increased sickness, not less.  The principle at work is not difficult to understand.  If the body can’t get rid of its waste products, its health will decline.  Whether one drinks his own urine over and over again, or breathes in the exhaled air from his lungs for hours on end, etc., the body is going to weaken because it is being poisoned.  And a weak body is one that is less able to fight off infections.  Gov Edwards’s mask mandate, then, is quite the opposite of being ‘kind, courteous, and a good neighbor’, as his Office’s web site proclaims.

And this applies not just to the physical aspect of man but to the spiritual dimension as well.  The Orthodox priest Father Zechariah Lynch writes in his essay, ‘With Faces Unveiled,’ ‘ . . . covering the face has deep roots in pagan and occult initiation rites. Masks symbolize the suppression of “ego” and an interrogation into a new consciousness, or “normal.” Why? Because the face is arguably the most identifying feature of a person, by suppressing it the most prominent personal identifier is suppressed. In such initiations, it symbolizes to a great degree the loss of personhood and integration into a controlled collective.  . . .

‘Spiritually speaking a veil represents a darkened and uncomprehending mind, while a fully revealed face represents an illumined and knowing mind. Thus in Christian worship participants have always approached God with faces unveiled, even physically speaking. For this represents the spiritual reality that Christians are “free children” of God the Father and that we have been given the grace and freedom to approach Him with faces unveiled. It seems there is a profound theological purpose in standing before God with unveiled faces.

‘For, in worship, we are coming, as Moses did, to a “face to face” encounter with the Living God. This uniquely Christian understanding stands in evident contrast to the occult and pagan practices of masking the face in order to approach and be initiated into their “deities.” ’

Knowing that countries and States like Sweden, South Dakota, etc., that have forsworn drastic lockdowns have fared much better during the COVID illness than those that have undertaken them, there is little doubt that would-be dictators like Gov Edwards have dark, ulterior motives guiding them.  Which begs the question, where are our other elected officials?  Rep Echols, Sen Cathey, police jurors, sheriffs?  Did they seek the duties of office simply to abdicate them all and watch Louisiana be burned to the ground by this madman of a Governor, this new Nero?  If not, then it is time for them to act for the protection of their constituents before any more harm is done to their bodies, minds, or souls.


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

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