
Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Jilted by the ‘Great Commission’ Baptists (Yes, This Is More Important Than the Supreme Court)

The SJWs within the Southern Baptist Convention have taken a fateful step:

Leaders in the Southern Baptist Convention are increasingly dropping the "Southern" part of their Baptist name, calling it a potentially painful reminder of the convention's historic role in support of slavery.

The 50,000 Baptist churches in the convention are autonomous and can still choose to refer to themselves as "Southern Baptist" or "SBC." But in his first interview on the topic, convention president J.D. Greear said momentum has been building to adopt the name "Great Commission Baptists," both because of the racial reckoning underway in the United States and because many have long seen the "Southern Baptist" name as too regional for a global group of believers.

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Finn said he was ambivalent about using a different name for years until this summer, when he jumped on board. "I'm not embarrassed to be a Southerner," he said. "It's about what that word conjures up for people, especially people of color. They're saying: 'That name is a hang-up. When my people hear that name, they think slavery.' God forbid we keep a name that evokes that."

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--Sarah P. Bailey,

Dixie has now reached a crucial point in her life.  The very word ‘Southern’ is equated with something dangerous, toxic, evil, etc., according to the reasoning of the Woke crowd.  The next move by folks like this will be the dissolution of the South as a whole, since her very existence as a distinct people and culture will always ‘evoke’ slavery, racism, etc., which is an unforgivable sin in their minds.  The South must therefore be totally absorbed into the progressive Yankee culture around her, leaving not one trace of her unique life and history within the world.

While we wholeheartedly endorse an exodus from these genocidal ‘Baptists’, the South nevertheless needs a shared religion to shelter and nurture her people and to provide much-needed unity as well.  As the Roman Catholics are too wedded to the idea of a Latin domination of the cultures they encounter, we would point to the Orthodox Church instead, which has always cooperated with the cultures it encounters, leavening them with the Gospel, translating all relevant books and services into their native tongues, incorporating their good traditions into the life of the Church, etc.  The Orthodox Church of America has, in fact, recognized the South as a distinct ethnos, establishing the Diocese of the South in 1979:

The Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia has also been kind in recognizing a unique Southern culture.  But whichever Orthodox jurisdiction is nearby, whether Antiochian, Romanian, etc., they all preach the same Faith, the unchanged Faith of the Apostles.  Let all Southerners of who love their land and its patrimony find refuge there, in the Orthodox Church.

The vacant seat on the federal Supreme Court will get most of the attention in the days ahead because it currently does have a lot of sway over important moral/cultural matters like abortion, although this shouldn’t really be the case (neither Article III nor the 10th Amendment seem to allow such oversight, but as we have been saying, the Philadelphia charter was a deception from the start).  State and local governments could end abortion today if they had the will to do so (simply declare its outlaw to be another ‘COVID mitigation effort’, and the edict will stand to the end of time, yes?). 

More seriously, however, there are very good justifications for Louisiana and the other States if they chose to do this vis-à-vis abortion, for instance, whether religious (‘Thou shalt not murder.’), to protect the physical and mental health of mothers, or to ensure against too sharp a decline in population.  And even were some future federal President or Congress to take harsh action against those States and localities that enacted such a ban, we should consider it a great honor to suffer for the sake of upholding the Gospel of Christ.  Sadly, the will to do that simply does not exist at the moment in the population at large or in the State and local governments.  And because of that, the importance of every federal Supreme Court vacancy is magnified far beyond what it ought to be.

Nonetheless, for the South, this issue of declaring our very name to be an object of evil that must therefore be eradicated is much more important than a Supreme Court vacancy; it involves our very existence as a people, as an ethnos.  May we not lose sight of that reality in the days ahead and act on it accordingly.


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

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