
Friday, October 30, 2020

Offsite Post: 'An Olde-Tyme Yankee Revival'

To the list of certainties in this life – death and taxes – we could probably add a third:  Yankees will make a sanctimonious display of their righteousness.

This was repeated for the umpteenth time in Plymouth, Massachusetts, on 6 Oct. 2020 at an event called ‘It’s Time to Pray’, organized by the pastor of Times Square Church (NYC) Mr Carter Conlon, who is quite excited and agitated over the 400th anniversary of the arrival of the Pilgrims at Plymouth.  Pastor Carter expressed the purpose of his meeting thusly:

‘God was faithful in bringing them [the Pilgrims] here and giving them this land, but in 400 years, what have we done with the freedom He gave us?

‘We took our freedom and enslaved an entire race of people. He prospered us as a nation, and we became greedy as a people. Our families are broken. Our children are being indoctrinated in schools starting from daycare. We have changed the definition of marriage. We are aborting babies at the point of birth. Our nation is unraveling. Our only hope for the future is God.

‘That’s why we’re going back, 400 years later, to Lot # 1 where our nation began, and we’re going to pray. We are going to re-discover our roots and reclaim the promise of God that made America. When we open the prayer meeting in Plymouth, we’re going to repent and ask God to forgive us for what we’ve done with the freedom He gave us. God told me we need to confess the sins of the nation one by one and ask for forgiveness.’

Now, true repentance is a wonderful thing, but the history of New England makes us doubt this is what was experienced by most of the attendees at ‘It’s Time to Pray’.  We will look at that history momentarily, but first there is one other point that makes us doubtful about the outcome of this prayer meeting:  It is based on a lie. 

In the quote above and on the home page for this gathering it is stated that Plymouth, Massachusetts, is ‘the place where America began.’  But it does not take much of an effort at researching to realize that the Pilgrims were not the first Englishmen to settle permanently on North America; that title belongs to the settlers of Jamestown, Virginia.  The South was born first (1607), then New England (1620). 

So already there is a problem with truthfulness from these folks.  But more important than this is the following question: ‘Should anyone want to follow in the spiritual footsteps of the Pilgrims?’, a subject Pastor Carter and his fellows seem very concerned with.  To answer this, we will begin the brief historical overview promised above.

First it is well to note that the Pilgrims were a disorderly bunch even before they arrived at Plymouth to set up their ‘City on a Hill’.  This is made abundantly clear in Richard Hooker’s (1554-1600) On the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity.  To give but one example from his book, he said,

‘When they and their Bibles were alone together, what strange fantastical opinion soever at any time entered into their heads, their use was to think the Spirit taught it them. Their phrensies concerning our Saviour’s incarnation, the state of souls departed, and such-like, are things needless to be rehearsed. And forasmuch as they were of the same suit with those of whom the apostle speaketh, saying, “They are still learning, but never attain to the knowledge of truth,” it was no marvel to see them every day broach some new thing, not heard of before. Which restless levity they did interpret to be their growing to spiritual perfection, and a proceeding from faith to faith. The differences amongst them grew by this mean in a manner infinite, so that scarcely was there found any one of them, the forge of whose brain was not possessed with some special mystery.  . . .  Their own ministers they highly magnified as men whose vocation was from God; the rest their manner was to term disdainfully Scribes and Pharisees, to account their calling an human creature, and to detain the people as much as might be from hearing them’ (Preface, ch. viii, 7).

Unsurprisingly, it did not take long for the ‘chosen people’ of New England to fall head-long into apostasy.  Already by 1662 they had to institute the Halfway Covenant so their unregenerate children could be assured of receiving the blessings that they believed God had promised to their forefathers - to build the New Jerusalem in North America, and all the rest of it (Sacvan Bercovitch, The American Jeremiad, Madison, Wisc., U of Wisc. Press, 1978, pgs. 62-3).

In the 18th century we find further dissensions and fragmentations of the ‘true faith’ of the Pilgrims.  Rev Angus Stewart writes:  . . .

The rest is at .


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Part II - The Perfection of the Southern Gentleman


The South has been blessed throughout her history by the presence of Christian gentlemen, from Sir William Berkeley to Gen James Johnston Pettigrew to Donald Davidson.  These are noteworthy figures in the history of the [u]nited States, which in general produce rather flat, uninteresting figures who are more interested in worldly affairs like money-getting and politics than with the deeper things of the soul. 

This does not mean, however, that these gentlemen of Dixieland have reached the pinnacle of human perfection.  That achievement belongs to the Saints of the Orthodox Church alone, a world of completely unique teachings and experiences most of the South has been sundered from until quite recently.  What might a Southern gentleman look like, then, if he attained the perfect healing of soul and body by following the Orthodox Way?  The history of pre-Schism Western Europe offers us some strong hints in the lives of her Orthodox Saints.  Having pondered the life of St Pepin in Part I, let us now look at the life of St Gerald of Aurillac:

St Gerald of Aurillac (+909)

[Count of Aurillac or Orilhac, Patron of Upper Auvergne.]  THIS virtuous nobleman was born in 855, and inherited from his parents the most tender sentiments of piety and religion. It being the custom of that age for lords to lead their vassals to war in person, the art of war was looked upon as a necessary part of his education; but a lingering illness detained him a long time at home, during which he took so much delight in studies, prayer, and holy meditation, that he could never be again drawn into the tumultuous scene of a worldly train of life. By rooted habits of perpetual strict temperance and assiduous devotion he entered upon a penitential course of life. After the death of his parents he gave almost the whole revenue of his large estate to the poor, reserving a very small pittance for his own subsistence: he went meanly clad, in a manner suitable to the austere life he had embraced, fasted three days a week, never supped, and kept always a very frugal table. He rose every morning at two o’clock, even in journeys, said the morning part of the divine office, and meditated till sunrise; then he heard mass, and divided the whole day between the duties of religion and those of his station, devoting a great part of it to prayer and pious reading. He had usually a good book read to him at table; but after meals, allowed himself a little time for relaxation and conversing with his friends, though his discourse turned always upon something serious: in his pilgrimages and journeys he always took with him some holy priests with whom he might pray, and always chose a lodging next to some church. At prayer he appeared quite absorbed in God. Calling once at the monastery of Solemniac, during the long office on Ascension-day, he stood unmoved in such devout contemplation as never to seem to perceive the seat and form richly covered that was prepared for him. The monks, from his very countenance and attitude, learned with what profound sentiments of adoration, awe, and love, we ought to present ourselves before God. He had such an abhorrence of praise and flattery that he discharged from his service any one who discovered anything that tended to manifest his virtue; and, if he was a slave, ordered him to be chastised. All miraculous cures which God wrought by his means he most carefully concealed. He found great satisfaction in visiting the tombs of St. Martin and other saints, being transported at the remembrance of the bliss which their happy souls now enjoy in the beatific vision. Acts of charity to the poor, and of justice to his vassals, were a great part of his external employments; and it was his chief care to make up all quarrels among them, to exhort all to virtue, and to furnish them with the best means for their spiritual instruction and advancement. In a spirit of sincere devotion and penance he performed an austere pilgrimage to Rome, and after his return founded at Aurillac a great church under the invocation of St. Peter, in 884, in the place of that of St. Clement, which his father had built there, together with a Benedictin abbey. This monastery our saint enlarged and enriched, and with great care and solicitude procured the most perfect observances of the Order to be established in it. He had some thoughts of taking himself the monastic habit, but was dissuaded by St. Gausbert, bishop of Cahors, his director, who represented to him that, in the station in which God had placed him in the world, he was able to promote the divine honour to greater advantage in the service of his neighbour, and that he ought to acquit himself of the obligations which he owed to others. Seven years before he died he lost his sight: in that state of corporal darkness his soul was employed in contemplating the divine perfections, and the glory of the heavenly Jerusalem; in bewailing his distance from God, and his own spiritual miseries, and those of the whole world, and in imploring the divine mercy. His happy death happened at Cezeinac in Quercy, on the 13th of October, 909. His body was conveyed to Orilhac, and interred in the monastery, where it was honoured with many miracles, attested by St. Odo of Cluni, and others. The town of Aurillac was raised about the abbey, and has been long the capital of Upper Auvergne. 

--Rev Alban Butler,


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

Friday, October 23, 2020

How Modern America Gets Politics Wrong

Pastor Jack Hibbs of southern Californ-I-A, writing here,

shows why things are such a mess in the States today, and a lot of it has to do with pride and historical ignorance. 

His main proposition, that voting is one of the most important and meaningful political acts a man may undertake, couldn’t be more wrong.  In modern, post-Lincolnian, America, when the individual voter stands naked before the powers of a massive government, the vote by itself is one of the most impotent protectors against tyranny.  See here for a good examination of the voting rights farce:

For the most part, voting is worthwhile only within the context of long-growing, organic, local bodies:  churches, monasteries, extended families, professional organizations, labor unions, a neighborhood defense force, school alumni, and so forth.  It is the individual’s belonging to these mediating institutions that protects him from the depredations of government, not his right to elect this or that representative, judge, etc.  They are able to shield him; his pulling a lever in a booth for thus and such candidate does not.  This may be explored further here:

But the ideology undergirding modern America, the ideology of freedom from any authority that impinges on the maximal exercise of individual liberty, has eviscerated those mediating institutions and left the individual powerless before the Leviathan government that has been erected to ‘secure his liberties’ from ‘oppressors’.

In addition, it is a terrible delusion and injustice to teach that everyone over 18 years of age is wise enough to make major political decisions.  Most have only a limited knowledge of public affairs; their daily routines and personal inclinations do not allow or motivate them to look deeply into them.  It is therefore safer for them to vote mostly within the context of the ‘little platoons’ of which they are a part and of whose matters they have a good grasp.  The representatives chosen by these bodies may then go on to the higher councils of the government (House, Senate, advisors to governors/presidents, and so on).  This is a bit of the wisdom imparted by John C. Calhoun in his political works.

This is not to say that voting in modern American elections can have no positive benefits at all for society.  It sometimes does (Christian marriage amendments to State constitutions, for instance).  However, Pastor Hibbs’s attempts to justify his high view of the right and necessity to vote are so completely false that they are downright laughable:

As Dennis Prager said in the newly released documentary, “After Trump — A Warning to America,” “God will ask those who fail to vote why they failed to sustain the most God-centered, free country, on earth, a country whose very motto is, ‘In God We Trust.’”

As an American, God has entrusted to you the highest privilege on this planet: to choose the leadership for the United States of America.


America is ‘the most God-centered country on earth’?  Tell that to the folks in the Ukraine, Poland, Georgia, Serbia, Russia, Uganda, etc., who are constantly bombarded by pro-LGBTQ+ propaganda from the US State Dept. and others:

The United States and various European countries actively fund institutions that sow hatred against the Orthodox Church and promote the LGBT agenda in Georgia, and the country needs to seriously rethink its pro-western orientation, His Eminence Metropolitan Anthony of Vani and Bagdati warned in his Sunday sermon on May 24. . . . Read the rest at .

See also .

Tell that also to the thousands upon thousands of innocent civilians who are suffering great hardships because of ‘the most Christian country’s’ sanctions of mass destruction:

That is on the outside.  Inside the States, quite apart from the on-going and devastating collapse of what was left of traditional Christian beliefs and practices, there is such an idolatrous worship of food and sex that obesity and the use of pornography have reached staggering levels:

Is not a little, unknown place in Romania like this far more holy than ‘Christian America’?

Meeting at the Diocesan Center of the Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Deva and Hunedoara under the chairmanship of His Eminence Metropolitan Laurențiu of Transylvania on October 12, the Metropolitan Synod of Transylvania made a number of decisions regarding the growth of monasticism in the metropolis.

In particular, the hierarchs decided to establish a new monastery and to elevate five hermitages to the rank of full monastery, reports the Basilica News Agency.

The newly-established monastery in Șmig village in Sibiu County in Transylvania is named in honor of St. Gherasim.

The five former hermitages granted monastery status are:

·         Christ the Pantocrator Monastery in Alba Iulia

·         St. John the Baptist Monastery in Livezile

·         St. Parascheva Monastery in Sub Piatră

·         Holy Cross Monastery in Aiud

·         Entrance of the Mother of God into the Temple and St. Maximus the Confessor Monastery in Ohaba


Likewise, ‘choosing the leadership of the United States of America’ is ‘the highest privilege on this planet’?  This reveals plainly for all to see the Antichrist nature of Yankee Americanism.  The highest privilege of man is to become a living member of the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church (that is, the Orthodox Church), which is the Lord Jesus Christ’s very own resurrected, ascended, and glorified Body, within Which we may recover the purity of the image of God and attain the likeness of God, both of which were lost at the Fall.  In other words, theosis/deification through the Grace of God is man’s highest calling in this life, not our being able to vote for, in Dr Russell Kirk’s immortal words, Tweedle-Dee or Tweedle-Dum to fill a political office:

There are a lot of well-meaning people like Pastor Jack in the States, but his essay is indicative of the Yankee apostasy that holds sway over so many (including here at the South, which grew up from quite different principles than New England):  namely, that America, not the Orthodox Church, is the chosen people of God.  When great numbers of folks in the States begin to truly repent of that heresy, then things will begin to improve in a profound way, and voting will find a more fitting and humbler place on the ladder of the virtues.


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Reaping the Whirlwind

One of the most promising bills that emerged in the special session of Louisiana’s State Legislature was Rep McCormick’s HB9, which would have eliminated civil and criminal penalties for those attending church services during a declared health emergency (in other words, declaring Christian worship an ‘essential service’):

However, the senators in Judiciary Committee B, displaying the radiant effulgence of their wisdom, decided to kill the bill:, via

This is yet another affront to the Holy Trinity.  Louisiana is sowing the wind, and we will certainly reap the whirlwind in due time unless we repent.

If you live in Louisiana, please take a minute to let the members of Judiciary Committee B know how displeased you are about their decision to kill HB9:


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Part I - The Perfection of the Southern Gentleman


The South has been blessed throughout her history by the presence of Christian gentlemen, from Sir William Berkeley to Gen James Johnston Pettigrew to Donald Davidson.  These are noteworthy figures in the history of the [u]nited States, which in general produce rather flat, uninteresting figures who are more interested in worldly affairs like money-getting and politics than with the deeper things of the soul. 

This does not mean, however, that these gentlemen of Dixieland have reached the pinnacle of human perfection.  That achievement belongs to the Saints of the Orthodox Church alone, a world of completely unique teachings and experiences most of the South has been sundered from until quite recently.  What might a Southern gentleman look like, then, if he attained the perfect healing of soul and body by following the Orthodox Way?  The history of pre-Schism Western Europe offers us some strong hints in the lives of her Orthodox Saints.  Let us look first at St Pepin of Landen:

St Pepin of Landen (+640)

[Mayor of the Palace to the Kings Clotaire II.Dagobert, and Sigebert.]  HE was son of Carloman, the most powerful nobleman of Austrasia, who had been mayor to Clotaire I. son of Clovis I. He was grandfather to Pepin of Herstal, the most powerful mayor, whose son was Charles Martel, and grandson Pepin the Short, king of France, in whom begun the Carlovingian race. Pepin of Landen, upon the river Geete, in Brabant, was a lover of peace, the constant defender of truth and justice, a true friend to all servants of God, the terror of the wicked, the support of the weak, the father of his country, the zealous and humble defender of religion. He was lord of a great part of Brabant, and governor of Austrasia, when Theodebert II. king of that country was defeated by Theodoric II. king of Burgundy, and soon after assassinated in 612: and Theodoric dying the year following, Clotaire II. king of Soissons, reunited Burgundy, Neustria, and Austrasia to his former dominions, and became sole monarch of France. For the pacific possession of Austrasia he was much indebted to Pepin, whom he appointed mayor of the palace to his son Dagobert I. when, in 622, he declared him king of Austrasia and Neustria. The death of Clotaire II. in 628, put him in possession of all France, except a small part of Aquitain, with Thoulouse, which was settled upon his younger brother, Charibert. When king Dagobert, forgetful of the maxims instilled into him in his youth, had given himself up to a shameful lust, this faithful minister boldly reproached him with his ingratitude to God, and ceased not till he saw him a sincere and perfect penitent. This great king died in 638, and was buried at St. Deny’s. He had appointed Pepin tutor to his son Sigebert from his cradle, and mayor of his palace when he declared him king of Austrasia, in 633. After the death of Dagobert, Clovis II. reigning in Burgundy and Neustria, (by whom Erchinoald was made mayor for the latter, and Flaochat for the former,) Pepin quitted the administration of those dominions, and resided at Metz, with Sigebert, who always considered him as his father, and under his discipline became himself a saint, and one of the most happy amongst all the French kings. Pepin was married to blessed Itta, of one of the first families in Aquitain, by whom he had a son called Grimoald, and two daughters, St. Gertrude, and St. Begga. The latter, who was the elder, was married to Ansigisus, son of St. Arnoul, to whom she bore Pepin of Herstal. B. Pepin, of Landen, died on the 21st of February, in 640, and was buried at Landen; but his body was afterwards removed to Nivelle, where it is now enshrined, as are those of the B. Itta, and St. Gertrude in the same place. . . .

--Rev Alban Butler,


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

Saturday, October 17, 2020

The Unforgivable Sin


Mr Bryan Fischer showed once again why it is unsafe to follow the Protestant way earlier this week on his radio show Focal Point.  In commenting on St Matt. 12:32 -

And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.’ -

Mr Fischer took the position that attributing Christ’s works to the evil powers constituted an ‘unforgivable sin’.  Now, it surely is a dangerous and foolish thing to call God a servant of evil and so forth.  However, these sins are not unforgivable.  The Holy Fathers of the Orthodox Church are quite clear:  Any sin may be forgiven.

But this is the danger of Protestantism:  Every man may interpret the Holy Scriptures as he pleases, regardless of the what the Holy Fathers have said.

There is enough demonically inspired despair in the world today without Protestants adding to it with their false teaching about an unforgivable sin.  Once again we say to our Southern brethren, come home to the Orthodox Church, where there is hope of forgiveness and healing for all.


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

Friday, October 16, 2020

What’s Worse Than a Yankee Trying to Talk Like a Southerner?


A Southerner who rejects his native accent to be acceptable to a people not his own.  Case-in-point:  Judge Amy Coney Barrett.  She is from South Louisiana, the New Orleans area to be more precise, but Judge Barrett no longer carries any of the colorful flamboyance of the language of that region in her speech-ways.  She has transformed it into the flat nasal tones of a Midwesterner for the sake of ‘respectability’ before the Elite.

This is not an unknown phenomenon in the age of the media personality.  Those on the so-called Right and Left have been at it for quite a while - Rush Limbaugh (, Justice Ginsburg (, and others - in order to sound more ‘American’ (i.e., like a rootless nowhere-man).

Besides this disloyalty to place, there are other reasons to be concerned about Judge Barrett.  Chief among them is her abandoning the more traditional Roman Catholicism of her youth (which at least retains some of the true teachings and traditions of the Orthodox Church) for the Charismatic People of Praise parachurch, Charismatics being a sect rife with spiritual dangers and delusions:

The concerns extend to the legal sphere, too:

 . . . As with Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, Barrett is just another Big Government, Police State ideologue who will continue the assault against our constitutionally protected liberties and who will do nothing to overturn Roe.


Here is what Constitutional attorney Robert Barnes says about Barrett:


Barrett sided with the government on almost every civil rights case, every big employer case, every criminal case, while also siding with the government on the lockdowns, on uncompensated takings, on excusing First Amendment infringements & Fourth Amendment violations.


Barrett exclaimed the benefits of Jacobson, the decision that green-lit forced vaccines & carved out an emergency exception to Constitutional protection in “public health” or “emergency” cases used to justify forced sterilizations & detention camps.


Barrett excused or immunized questionable police conduct in almost every seizure case or use of force case she came across, many with fact patterns that will make her easily demolished in the court of public opinion in the age of George Floyd.


Barrett hid behind precedent that fellow federal circuits said did not apply any longer to allow Chicago to prohibit pro-life activists from exercising their free speech, and did so w/o a concurring opinion as she did whenever she doubted precedent.


Barrett justified discriminating against someone participating in protests over the killing of his brother, in a case that will make easy headlines for her critics to make her look [sic] the misconduct-excuser her actual record says she is.


Barrett justified regulatory takings without compensation and government discrimination by siding with the government’s version once again (like she has in a near record setting 95%+ of cases).


Barret found a dubious “standing” excuse to deny citizens the right to prevent the corrupt misappropriation of property for the building of the Obama library. This is the kind of elite back-scratching Roberts-type jurists like Barrett do. . . .

--Chuck Baldwin,

It would be an happy occasion if Judge Barrett turned out to be a steel-spined traditionalist on the federal Supreme Court, but, considering the record of Republican-nominated justices from Pres Eisenhower onward to Pres Trump (which Mr Baldwin touches on in his essay above), no one ought to get his hopes up.  Rather than relying only upon the SC to guard the good traditions of Southern life, the safer path is to take up the old practice of nullification of wrongly decided federal court decisions by State legislatures, governors, and courts, and also by local bodies like city and parish/county governments:


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

The Roman Catholic Papacy: Where It’s Been and Where It’s Going


Some thoughts from Jay Dyer worth considering on the direction the Bishop of Rome has taken over the last 1,000-1,200 years or so:

-As the Great Schism neared (1054), the Bishop of Rome began claiming headship over the whole Church.

-In the centuries afterwards, the Pope then claimed primacy over political rulers.

-Now after Vatican II, he will seek to make himself head of the world’s different religions.

These thoughts and others are fleshed out in a couple of good talks:

Roman Catholicism is not the safe haven for tradition the South needs.

But Protestantism is no safer.  To wit, a down-to-earth discussion of the problems with Protestant presuppositions like sola Scriptura:

Come home to the Orthodox Church, Southron, where you will find rest for your weary, seeking souls.


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

Friday, October 9, 2020

Offsite Post: ‘Our Southern Economic Heritage’


Prof Richard Weaver’s description of the modern social order has earned him a lot of well-deserved praise.  In small part he writes,

‘The old idea of rewards was vanishing, and instead of receiving a station dictated by a theory of the whole of society, men were winning their stations through a competition in which human considerations were ruled out.  It was the age of Carlyle’s “cash-nexus.”  Everything betokened the breaking-up of the old synthesis in a general movement toward abstraction in human relationships.  Man was becoming a unit in the formless democratic mass; economics was usurping the right to dictate both political and moral policies; and standards supposed to be unchangeable were being mocked by the new theories of relativism.  Topping it all was the growing spirit of skepticism which was destroying the religious sanctions of conduct and leaving only the criterion of utility’ (The Confederate South, 1865-1910; A Study in the Survival of a Mind and a Culture, 1943 Doctoral Dissertation for LSU Dept of English, pgs. 257-8.  Later published as The Southern Tradition at Bay: A History of Postbellum Thought.).

Much of what we are seeing today is simply the worsening of the decay Prof Weaver saw at work 77 (and more) years ago.  Klaus Schwab, for instance, the founder and chairman of the globalist World Economic Forum, writes in his book The Fourth Industrial Revolution,

‘The emergence of a world where the dominant work paradigm is a series of transactions between a worker and a company more than an enduring relationship was described by Daniel Pink 15 years ago in his book Free Agent Nation.  This trend has been greatly accelerated by technological innovation.

‘Today, the on-demand economy is fundamentally altering our relationship with work and the social fabric in which it is embedded.  More employers are using the “human cloud” to get things done.  Professional activities are dissected into precise assignments and discrete projects and then thrown into a virtual cloud of aspiring workers located anywhere in the world.  This is the new on-demand economy, where providers of labour are no longer employees in the traditional sense but rather independent workers who perform specific tasks.  As Arun Sundararajan, professor at the Stern School of Business at New York University (NYU), put it in a New York Times column by journalist Farhad Manjoo:  “We may end up with a future in which a fraction of the workforce will do a portfolio of things to generate an income – you could be an Uber driver, an Instacart shopper, an Airbnb host and a Taskrabbit” ’ (Geneva, Switzerland, World Economic Forum, 2016, pgs. 47-8).

Already in the middle of the 19th century Southerners like Rev Robert L. Dabney were declaring with Sir Edward Coke ‘corporations have no souls’.  But now we find in Mr Schwab’s vision of the future an even more dehumanized economic system where men and women will be reduced to some sort of virtual haze, a ‘human cloud’, and who are expected to have a mad-dog fight with those belonging to it in order to collect enough tiny pieces of the fragmented economy to scrape together a living.

And now with news that the Federal Reserve is getting ready to replace paper money with a digital currency as part of a universal basic income scheme, the dehumanization is very nearly complete.  Whenever the bureaucrats in Washington City or their bankster bosses deem a person to be expendable (because his buying habits don’t meet with their approval), they could simply delete his virtual fed coins and leave him destitute.

The Southern soul recoils at such execrable systems and abstract planning.  They are all aimed at greater efficiency but at the price of destroying true personhood.  Modern Yankee/globalist economics we may say, therefore, is efficient (to a degree; more on that below) but impersonal.  Southern economics, on the other hand, is efficient as well, but it is also personalizing, i.e., it strengthens personhood rather than weakening it.

Since we have just spoken of money, George Fitzhugh’s thoughts on this subject in his book Cannibals All! are an apt place to begin:

‘From the days of Plato and Lycurgus to the present times, Social Reformers have sought to restrict or banish the use of money. We do not doubt that its moderate use is essential to civilization and promotive of human happiness and well-being—and we entertain as little doubt, that its excessive use is the most potent of all causes of human inequality of condition, of excessive wealth and luxury with the few, and of great destitution and suffering with the many, and of general effeminacy and corruption of morals. Money is the great weapon in free, equal, and competitive society, which skill and capital employ in the war of the wits, to exploitate and oppress the poor, the improvident, and weak-minded. Its evil effects are greatly aggravated by the credit and banking systems, and by the facilities of intercommunication and locomotion which the world now possesses. Every bargain or exchange is more or less a hostile encounter of wits. Money vastly increases the number of bargains and exchanges, and thus keep society involved, if not in war, at least in unfriendly collision. Within the family, money is not employed between its members. Where the family includes slaves, the aggregate use of money is greatly restricted. This furnishes us with another argument to prove that Christian morality is practicable, to a great extent, in slave society—impracticable in free society’ (Cannibals All! Or, Slaves without Masters, Richmond, Va., A. Morris, 1857, pgs. 303-4).

Mr Fitzhugh touches on the key to the Southern approach to economics:  the centrality of the Christian family.  This is what preserves and uplifts the personal identity in the Southern economic order.  He says, . . .

The rest is at .


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!