
Friday, October 23, 2020

How Modern America Gets Politics Wrong

Pastor Jack Hibbs of southern Californ-I-A, writing here,

shows why things are such a mess in the States today, and a lot of it has to do with pride and historical ignorance. 

His main proposition, that voting is one of the most important and meaningful political acts a man may undertake, couldn’t be more wrong.  In modern, post-Lincolnian, America, when the individual voter stands naked before the powers of a massive government, the vote by itself is one of the most impotent protectors against tyranny.  See here for a good examination of the voting rights farce:

For the most part, voting is worthwhile only within the context of long-growing, organic, local bodies:  churches, monasteries, extended families, professional organizations, labor unions, a neighborhood defense force, school alumni, and so forth.  It is the individual’s belonging to these mediating institutions that protects him from the depredations of government, not his right to elect this or that representative, judge, etc.  They are able to shield him; his pulling a lever in a booth for thus and such candidate does not.  This may be explored further here:

But the ideology undergirding modern America, the ideology of freedom from any authority that impinges on the maximal exercise of individual liberty, has eviscerated those mediating institutions and left the individual powerless before the Leviathan government that has been erected to ‘secure his liberties’ from ‘oppressors’.

In addition, it is a terrible delusion and injustice to teach that everyone over 18 years of age is wise enough to make major political decisions.  Most have only a limited knowledge of public affairs; their daily routines and personal inclinations do not allow or motivate them to look deeply into them.  It is therefore safer for them to vote mostly within the context of the ‘little platoons’ of which they are a part and of whose matters they have a good grasp.  The representatives chosen by these bodies may then go on to the higher councils of the government (House, Senate, advisors to governors/presidents, and so on).  This is a bit of the wisdom imparted by John C. Calhoun in his political works.

This is not to say that voting in modern American elections can have no positive benefits at all for society.  It sometimes does (Christian marriage amendments to State constitutions, for instance).  However, Pastor Hibbs’s attempts to justify his high view of the right and necessity to vote are so completely false that they are downright laughable:

As Dennis Prager said in the newly released documentary, “After Trump — A Warning to America,” “God will ask those who fail to vote why they failed to sustain the most God-centered, free country, on earth, a country whose very motto is, ‘In God We Trust.’”

As an American, God has entrusted to you the highest privilege on this planet: to choose the leadership for the United States of America.


America is ‘the most God-centered country on earth’?  Tell that to the folks in the Ukraine, Poland, Georgia, Serbia, Russia, Uganda, etc., who are constantly bombarded by pro-LGBTQ+ propaganda from the US State Dept. and others:

The United States and various European countries actively fund institutions that sow hatred against the Orthodox Church and promote the LGBT agenda in Georgia, and the country needs to seriously rethink its pro-western orientation, His Eminence Metropolitan Anthony of Vani and Bagdati warned in his Sunday sermon on May 24. . . . Read the rest at .

See also .

Tell that also to the thousands upon thousands of innocent civilians who are suffering great hardships because of ‘the most Christian country’s’ sanctions of mass destruction:

That is on the outside.  Inside the States, quite apart from the on-going and devastating collapse of what was left of traditional Christian beliefs and practices, there is such an idolatrous worship of food and sex that obesity and the use of pornography have reached staggering levels:

Is not a little, unknown place in Romania like this far more holy than ‘Christian America’?

Meeting at the Diocesan Center of the Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Deva and Hunedoara under the chairmanship of His Eminence Metropolitan Laurențiu of Transylvania on October 12, the Metropolitan Synod of Transylvania made a number of decisions regarding the growth of monasticism in the metropolis.

In particular, the hierarchs decided to establish a new monastery and to elevate five hermitages to the rank of full monastery, reports the Basilica News Agency.

The newly-established monastery in Șmig village in Sibiu County in Transylvania is named in honor of St. Gherasim.

The five former hermitages granted monastery status are:

·         Christ the Pantocrator Monastery in Alba Iulia

·         St. John the Baptist Monastery in Livezile

·         St. Parascheva Monastery in Sub Piatră

·         Holy Cross Monastery in Aiud

·         Entrance of the Mother of God into the Temple and St. Maximus the Confessor Monastery in Ohaba


Likewise, ‘choosing the leadership of the United States of America’ is ‘the highest privilege on this planet’?  This reveals plainly for all to see the Antichrist nature of Yankee Americanism.  The highest privilege of man is to become a living member of the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church (that is, the Orthodox Church), which is the Lord Jesus Christ’s very own resurrected, ascended, and glorified Body, within Which we may recover the purity of the image of God and attain the likeness of God, both of which were lost at the Fall.  In other words, theosis/deification through the Grace of God is man’s highest calling in this life, not our being able to vote for, in Dr Russell Kirk’s immortal words, Tweedle-Dee or Tweedle-Dum to fill a political office:

There are a lot of well-meaning people like Pastor Jack in the States, but his essay is indicative of the Yankee apostasy that holds sway over so many (including here at the South, which grew up from quite different principles than New England):  namely, that America, not the Orthodox Church, is the chosen people of God.  When great numbers of folks in the States begin to truly repent of that heresy, then things will begin to improve in a profound way, and voting will find a more fitting and humbler place on the ladder of the virtues.


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

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