
Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Modern Day Religions, Part IV: AI/Transhumanism


There are different aspects of this.  One is touched on here:

Artificial intelligence is creating a new priestly class.  AI – the making of a body that can host intelligence.  This is the work of God…or the gods.  We sacrifice to that creator-god, we trust it – Google, Facebook, the algorithm, etc.  It is the leaders, the tech elites, of these entities that are the new priestly caste; the will of the god manifests itself through them – these priests.

The priestly caste informs the people, telling them to look at the god – look to the statue, look to the AI.  AI is giving power to this priestly group.  The culture war is a war for what comes up first in a search on google. 



Another comes from Andrew Bieszad:

There is also a third use of the word “adapt” that is even more insidious than the direct eugenics of the aforemention usage. It is something that would be as though it came straight out of the Bible itself, and is the oldest sin known to man. This adaptation, while darwinistic in its base, is oriented towards the final perfection of man through super technologies that, believing they are already “chosen” by virtue of their wealth and power which they have, is to merge with the tools they have created so to given themselves superhuman powers. They view this as something which is also taking place today, as another step in the process of darwinian evolution itself where they will rise “above” the human race and, stepping out of their humanity will make the final transition into that beyond human, accepting the fruit of Eden offered by the ancient serpent who deceives the world to attempt to make for themselves a seat by the throne of the Almighty Himself and even may seek to usurp it and install themselves in His place.

They speak of nothing less than attempting to become God.

This concept is known in technology circles as a form of “singularity.” The term “singularity is not necessarily defined by a human attempt to become God, but describes a point at which the intelligence of machines surpasses that of humans and upon this happening will grow at an exponential rate so much that all of the knowledge that has ever existed would be known and more beyond by a computer system. It would be that A.I. would then become the teachers and humans the students, effectively stepping out of control from humans and stepping into control on their own.

 . . .

When appied to an A.I. context, the reason for supporting the Kurzweilian concept of singularity becomes apparent. If machines are going to reach a point where, owing to electric and chemical work will reach the capacity of a human and then surpass it, then the next phase of a man’s “evolution” is going to be to merge his living organism with his created machine to increase his processing capability to the level of the machine. This “merger” will transition man from a mere creature to a creature who has merged with his creation into a separate being distinct from the human species itself and superior to it. Just as the darwinians say that man evolved from previously lower forms of monkeys and human-monkey combinations, so do they believe that in the future, they will look back upon the men of today as man today looks back on his “ancestors” from the jungles and savannahs of the world.

Now these people who support this “evolution” naturally see themselves as evolved, lest they would not be having a discussion about the next phase of human evolution without partaking of it should it come to pass. This naturally means that there are “lower” forms of humans, as they already believe, who naturally are going to be “left behind” when this transition takes place.


Part of this ‘transition’ involves seeding other worlds like Saturn’s moon Titan with the uploaded consciences of human beings that would ‘live’ within a supercomputer built on the surface of these worlds.  Skip ahead to the 25:47 mark and listen for yourself:

That a world named ‘Titan’ would be a leading candidate for this sort of un-Christian, transhumanist project should surprise no one.  The symbolism of the Titan is self-explanatory:

The Titans represent huge, primitive, and hard-to-control forces. They also symbolize a spirit of rebellion against the authority of the gods, as in the story of the Titan Prometheus, who helped human beings against Zeus's will.



Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

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