
Saturday, May 8, 2021

Offsite Post: ‘The Feds Outlawed Access to Medical Treatment Info’


A provision buried in a 2,000-page federal omnibus spending bill from Dec. 2020 contains this text:


 . . . the bill prohibits "any person, partnership, or corporation to engage in a deceptive act or practice in or affecting commerce associated with the treatment, cure, prevention, mitigation, or diagnosis of COVID–19." 


--Daniel Horowitz

It sounds harmless enough, but as the article just-linked makes clear, it is being used as a weapon against those who offer cures outside the approved Big Pharma/Big Government boundaries:


At a time when the doctors in government and Big Pharma are misleading the public — often with deadly results — about the efficacy of lockdowns, masks, experimental mRNA, and expensive, ineffective treatments like Remdesivir, a Missouri doctor has been charged for marketing a cocktail of vitamin D and zinc as treatment against the virus. 


According to KHOU-TV1, Eric Nepute and his company, Quickwork LLC, are facing 10 counts in federal court of violating the "COVID-19 Consumer Protection Act." The Federal Trade Commission contends that this act grants it authority to make a determination that the Missouri chiropractor, who owns several Nepute Wellness Center locations in St. Louis County, "baselessly" claimed his product works against COVID at least as well as the vaccines.



To be able to access information on all possible treatments of a disease is a fundamental human need, and nowhere in the federal or Louisiana constitutions have the citizens given any government the power to curtail the exercise of that power (making it a reserved right protected by Article I, Section 24, of the La. Constitution and the 9th Amendment to the US Constitution).

Furthermore, Justice Brandeis wrote in Chicago Board of Trade v. United States,


Every agreement concerning trade, every regulation of trade, restrains. To bind, to restrain, is of their very essence. The true test of legality is whether the restraint imposed is such as merely regulates and perhaps thereby promotes competition or whether it is such as may suppress or even destroy competition. To determine that question, the court must ordinarily consider the facts peculiar to the business to which the restraint is applied, its condition before and after the restraint was imposed, the nature of the restraint, and its effect, actual or probable.

This new law and how it is being applied clearly ‘destroys competition’ and should be struck down, in addition to the above reasons, for violating federal antitrust legislation.

If private citizens lose their ability to freely access medical information, we are in a dangerous position:  unable to verify whether what the ‘approved voices’ are telling us is true or false.  Facebook and other Big Tech platforms have already banned some information on COVID treatments; now the federal government is getting involved, more than likely at the behest of Big Pharma (again per Horowitz), to give them a monopoly on COVID treatment.  Dr Mercola and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, are other recent casualties of these efforts.

Louisiana’s State Legislature should remedy this injustice by quickly passing a law affirming that no public or private entity may curtail a citizen’s ability to acquire information on treatments for diseases or curtail a medical practitioner from offering or advertising such treatments (so long as said medical practitioner can back up his claims with solid evidence).

Attorneys General of Louisiana, Missouri (since the above case took place there), and of all the other States should file injunctions and other lawsuits as quickly as they can to stop the operation of this law.

The Louisiana State Sovereignty Committee has a letter and contact information available so that anyone can easily contact AG Landry and their State legislators about protecting Louisianans from this unconscionable law.

There is some hope that AG Landry will take some substantive action, but none at all that Gov Edwards, who seems to delight in destroying things with the hammer of medical tyranny, will do so.

We are not too optimistic about the Louisiana Legislature at the moment, either.  Their priorities are distressing to say the least.  . . .  

The rest is at .


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

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