
Saturday, May 29, 2021

Offsite Post: ‘The Twilight of the West’


Children of the Sunset Lands,

Living in the distant marches of the West,

In the innocence of youthful ignorance

They worshipped the gods and goddesses,

Pouring wine upon the ground for mighty Zeus

And dancing round Odin’s sacred oak,

Delighting the demons who hid behind those rites.


But then came the glorious Apostles,

The holy martyrs, the bishops, monks, and nuns,

Joyful band of Gospel-bearers,

Who dispelled the gloom, despair, and woe

That crushed the Western soul beneath

Its heavy weight, and chased away

The demons and their artful guile,

By baptizing young and old in the name

Of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.


True life flourished there, a land hallowed

By hermits dear to harts and foxes,

By faithful kings and child-confessors,

Through many acts of fasting, love, and prayer,

And the building of those heavenly,

Sacred spaces – cathedrals and monasteries,

With arch and dome and apse; gilded lamps;

Icons radiant with the Spirit’s Grace;

The jeweled reliquaries holding priceless bones;

The Holy Tree of the Cross, the trophy

Of victory over death; and the throne of God,

The altar, upon which the Bloodless Sacrifice

Is offered for the life of the world.


The demons, angry and forlorn,

Wandering amidst the trackless wastes,

Madly craving the worship of the people

They had lost, began their assault

Upon the Christian West: 

 . . .

The rest is at .


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

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