
Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Offsite Post: ‘A New July 4th Resolution’


The solution offered by Mr Vivek Ramaswamy to the destructive ideology of the Woke Social Justice Warriors could not be stranger:

The antidote isn’t to fight wokeness directly. It can’t be, because that’s a losing battle. The true solution is to gradually rebuild a vision for shared American identity that is so deep and so powerful that it dilutes wokeism to irrelevance, one that no longer leaves us susceptible to being divided by corporate elites for their own gain.

The problem with this is that there is not and cannot be a ‘shared American identity’ that is ‘deep and powerful’ because the modern American creed (itself an updated form of the Pilgrim-Yankee worldview of yesteryear) is predicated on exactly the opposite principle:  To be an ‘American’ today means precisely to be baptized into the cult of individualism; to cut off one’s roots in order to begin a new life here in the ‘promised land’; to forget the past, with its customs and other burdens, all of which are hindrances to personal self-fulfilment; to focus solely on creating a future full of material comforts.

Such a belief and its attendant way of living, full of centripetal forces, is unable to oppose the forward march of Woke revolutionaries.  They will easily shatter whatever weak resistance these Hillsdale College/National Review-type ‘American nationalists’ offer up:  A collection of rootless, atomized, self-interested individuals is no match for an ideologically united collective full of fire for their utopian vision. 

One may go a step further and say that the SJWs are merely the latest iteration of New England progressives, beginning with the Pilgrim Gnostics and on to the more secularized and/or apostate Yankees with their many isms – abolitionism, communism, feminism, prohibitionism, Shakerism, Mormonism, etc.  Thus, what we are seeing is the Yankee ideology devouring itself:  Those who hold to the earlier, mid-19th century Lincolnian version (Hillsdale, talk radio, Victor Davis Hanson, Fox News, etc.) are at war with the current Woke iteration.

The South stands aloof from deracinated Yankee Americanism.  She began not as a project to build something ‘new’ (the infamous New England City on a Hill) but as an effort of Englishmen to continue the rural life they knew, the only difference being their ability to advance a little financially.  This is why so many ‘old’ things have survived here at the South:  the architecture of the English manor house and the Celtic cabin, as well as classical Greek and Roman architecture; classical literature; the African banjo; the Bible and Saints’ Days; quilting and basket-weaving; and so forth.

But Dixie cannot at all afford to be complacent while the infighting between the elder and younger branches of the Yankee family tree continues on.  The South is still at risk from them in many ways:  . . .

The rest is at .


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

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