
Tuesday, November 23, 2021

‘New England’s King’


Holy Edmund, the Patron Saint

Of All England, Eternal King

Of East Anglia, he shed his

Blood, he sacrificed his own life

To save his Christian people from

The heathen Danes.


                                                Now, New England,

How honor you this great father

Of yours?  You are like the robbers

Who sought his shrine to desecrate

It, only to become frozen

In the act of their heinous crime.

You, too, Yankees, are unmoving,

Stuck in the same agony of

Committing a blasphemy ’gainst

Your gracious martyred protector.

Spiritually naked and

Destitute, you strive to heal the

Body only, but not the soul.


Yet, though you have strayed as did the

Prodigal son, though you gravely

Are stricken in your soul with wounds,

You are still united by bonds

Unseen with your father Edmund,

Who suffers the pains of your hell

In his soul, and offers them

All together to God, pleading

That these tears and cries and sighs be

Accepted as expiation

For sins of the past, as a way

To repentance, and medicine

For new and abundant life, now

And in the age to come.


                                                You fled

As pilgrims into the wilderness,

With a burning passion eager

To reconstitute sin-sick man.

But the mission has ended in

Decomposition.  Lost, alone,

Bewildered, cry out, ‘Here!  Here!  Here!’

As the head of your patron did

After the Danes had thrown it with

Disdain into a briar patch.

The wolf would not let the precious

Head come to harm; St Edmund will

Likewise be your good guardian

If you would only ask of him.


From the cities of Satanic

Abominations you have built

Upon New England’s rocky hills,

To the City of beauty and

Bliss the Holy Trinity has

Made with the angels and the saints –

Edmund will guide you gladly thence

When your rebelliousness ends.


For a life of St Edmund, please visit this page:


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

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