
Friday, January 7, 2022

Don’t Expect Conservative Heroics from Glenn Youngkin


It is unfortunate, but it looks like conservatives in Virginia got flat-out snookered in their election for Governor on Nov. 2nd.  Glenn Youngkin presents himself as ‘a new kind of leader for Virginia’, yet this is far from the truth.

His ties with the Carlyle Group are extremely disconcerting.  Carlyle is a global investment firm in the same league as Blackstone and other transnational financial firms that are keen on erasing borders, destroying traditional mores, and gutting industries for the sake of a falsely conceived climate crusade. 

Youngkin was a big part of Carlyle for 25 years.  Now he is claiming that he will ban critical race theory in the classroom.  Don’t be fooled.  During Youngkin’s tenure at Carlyle, these were some of the diversity goals the firm put forward:


In 2018, we made our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Council global, led by our CEO and comprised of 17 of our most senior leaders.


This group helps us create inclusive environments and build the systems needed to imbed diversity and inclusion across every function of the firm.


Starting in 2019, each segment/function at Carlyle developed a specific DEI Plan that drives action and accountability.


In 2020, we enhanced our recruitment, development and accountability.


Building upon the requirement that at least two diverse candidates be interviewed for each open role, we now require that, in the US, at least one of the candidates is Black, Latinx, Pacific Islander or Native American.

Youngkin’s church also appears to be an advocate of Woke views on race.

Despite these things, we are supposed to believe that Youngkin is going to champion a hard charge to undo in Virginia’s schools the very thing his firm and his church have been supporting.

There is also a nauseating video from 2017 of him and Gov McAuliffe, supposedly bitter partisan enemies, congratulating one another on their globalist economic bona fides, a ridiculously glaring reminder of how phony our choices are in high-level political elections.

If it’s not clear yet, we’ll say it plainly:  Youngkin is part of the same elite clique as the globalist Bushes and Romneys.  We’re glad McAuliffe lost; he’s about as crooked as they come.  This past election, for school board on up, is an encouraging sign that Virginians still have some fight and common sense left in them.  But they shouldn’t get their hopes up.  The globalist puppet Youngkin isn’t likely to change anything more than surface appearances in Virginia.  His slogan to make Virginia ‘the best place to live, work and raise a family in America’ is a pathetic retread of the slogan that another Bush family protégé, Bobby Jindal, used in his campaigns for governor in Louisiana in 2007 and 2011.

If Virginians want to make their State a great place to live again, they must go ad fontes, back to the sources – back to the folkways that made the Old Dominion the Mother of States and Statesmen, the Mother of Presidents, the Mother of renowned orators and sterling generals, of hospitable gentlemen, charming ladies, and dedicated Christians, agrarians, and neighbors:  George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Taylor, John Randolph, Thomas R. Dew, Rev Robert L. Dabney, Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, J. E. B. Stuart, and so on.

They won’t find those sources on Newsmax or in the Wall Street Journal; but they will find them in the Bible; in Sophocles, Hesiod, and Aesop; in the Church Fathers; in the common law, Beowulf, and Shakespeare; in Plutarch, Marcus Aurelius, and Livy; in the laws of Justinian.

Put works like these in the homes and schools of Virginians, along with a few choice books by Southerners like Richard Weaver, Donald Davidson, and Rev Dabney, and in several years, there might really be a substantial political realignment to talk about.

Nevertheless, God can work miracles in all sorts of circumstances, so we are not without hope.  But no one should confuse the globalist scalawag Youngkin with a real outsider like the working-class truck driver Edward Durr, who unseated an ossified oligarchic State Senate President in New Jersey with a budget that didn’t even break $10,000.  Sadly, Virginia and many other places in the South must wait a spell longer before his kind appears very often on the ballot for State and local offices.


Information about Glenn Youngkin comes from his campaign web site:


As if to confirm suspicions about his trustworthiness, Gov Youngkin (and Lt Gov Sears) are making no efforts to save Virginia’s Confederate monuments from the leftist cultural demolitionists:

(Thanks to an unnamed person for this link.)


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

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