
Tuesday, May 17, 2022

‘Dixie’s Precious Sugardoll’

Sweet is the smell

Of the honeysuckle,

Growing in the South,

Sweet the taste

Of its nectar

On the tongue.

Sweet is Mi-Maw’s

Mayhaw jelly,

Slathered on a biscuit.

Sweet too is the tea

Sipped on the porch,

In the dusky

Sunset light.


Sweet is your name


Martyred for the Faith,

Sweet the Grace

Shining forth

From your face.

Sweet are the Gospel’s

Words that fell like

Drops of dew

From your lips,


Your tormentors.

Sweet is the bread

Angels fed to you

In your prison cell.


Bless us with the more

Delightful sweetness,

Holy Virgin,

That all Southrons

Will also hear

The Heavenly Voice

Calling us, when we die,

To the Great Supper

In the sky.



For an account of St Glykeria’s life:

The Greek name ‘Glykeria’ translates to ‘Sweetness’ in English.


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

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