
Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Protestant Evangelicals Are Virtue-Signaling Mighty Heavily about Juneteenth


Tony Perkins praised it on his show on Monday:

Christianity Today got in on the act earlier:

Never you mind that Juneteenth is historically inaccurate,

Or that it is an attempt by the Elite to push ugly ideologies into our souls:

Just accept the ‘current thing’ and the Establishment will surely smile upon us!

There are more danger signs, however, for Evangelicals and for the Southerners who count themselves among their number –

-An essay by an Evangelical historian and theologian asks folks to accept a true domestic terrorist, John Brown, as a great Christian hero:

A more sober assessment of Mr Brown is here:

-Southern Baptists refuse to stand up for their creedal statement that pastors should only be men:

An Orthodox explanation of why deacons, priests, and bishops must be men perhaps will help them:

-And Dr Richard Land makes a joke of himself by pretending that his removal of a picture of Oak Alley Plantation from his house is a great victory for the forces of racial justice/reconciliation (will he call for the destruction of these pretty plantations because of their association with what he calls ‘the monstrous and dehumanizing system and culture [they] symbolized’?):

The lives of the freed slaves of Liberia might give Dr Land a different point of view:

Now is a good time for Southerners to reconsider their religious affiliations; hopefully they will see that the Orthodox Church is their best choice:


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

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