
Friday, July 8, 2022

Time to Challenge Supreme Court Imposed Atheism in Louisiana Public Schools


To Fellow LSSC Members and to All Other Friends of Louisiana:

Roe v Wade has been overturned, thanks be to God, but there is still work to be done in the culture wars.  Below is a letter for the members of the Louisiana Conservative Caucus.  Please send it or something like it to the Caucus members (focus on the leaders for now, Chairman, Vice-Chairmen, etc.) to encourage them to begin the process of chipping away at two harmful federal court decisions.

Please ask the La. Family Forum to join in this fight as well. 

Contact information for all of the above will be placed at the end of this update.

Please forward this to your friends, relatives, and other acquaintances.

Yours sincerely,

Walt Garlington

Founder, Louisiana State Sovereignty Committee


Example Letter

To the Members of the Louisiana Conservative Caucus:

I am sure that you share with many of us a deep sense of joy and relief at the overturning of Roe v Wade.  While there remains a good deal of work to be done to finish the task of ending abortion in Louisiana, conservatives need to begin planning to open another front in the culture wars – returning Christian instruction to our public schools.

Since 1962 (Engel v Vitale) and 1963 (Abington v Schempp), the federal courts have enforced de facto atheism on our students:

The only worldview allowed to be taught to students is the atheistic evolutionary paradigm, which is responsible at least in part for some of the disturbing problems we see today:  In the evolutionary worldview, nothing is fixed; all is flux (the root of transgenderism).  Also, lifeforms advance to higher planes of existence by killing off weaker organisms in a brutal competition for resources (the root of mass shootings and other violent crimes).  In other words, flux and violence are virtues in that paradigm. 

Teaching the Christian worldview (which teaches that created things have fixed natures given to them by God and that God is not the author of violence and death but of life and resurrection and love) to Louisiana’s students is the only way to protect our State from evils like those just mentioned, and others.  For in-depth studies on the Christian view of God, creation, and man, please read these two essays:

You all in the La. Legislature made a start with the La. Science Education Act, but we need you to go much further.  Roe has been overturned because the State Legislatures never stopped challenging the unjust federal rulings that imposed abortion on every State.  Year in and year out, new State laws chipped away at the edifice of Roe and Casey.  Now is the time to do begin doing the same with Engel and Abington.  Every year, every session, enact something new to challenge the enforced atheism of the federal courts.

Just like Roe, the reasoning is faulty in the cases concerned.  In them the Supreme Court tries to apply the 1st Amendment of the federal constitution to the States via the 14th Amendment (incorporation doctrine).  This doesn’t hold up to historical analysis.  One doesn’t have to dig very deeply before the original intent of the 14th Am. is discovered, which reveals that applying the federal Bill of Rights to the States was not the intention of those who wrote the amendment.  For details, see this article:

With that established, it becomes a matter of looking at our own State constitution to determine what is allowable in this domain.  The language in Article 1, Sec. 8, is the same as the language used in past Louisiana constitutions regarding religion.  And in those years, there was never any controversy over the teaching of Christianity in public schools.  Thus, the same language in our current constitution is no hindrance to the reintroduction of Bible readings, prayers, and other Christian instruction in Louisiana’s public schools.

If our State is going to preserve the victories that we have won recently regarding abortion and transgender athletes, if we are going to reduce violence, welcome babies, encourage traditional Christian marriage and family formation, and so on, we have to build on a good foundation, the foundation of Christ; we have to throw out atheism, evolution, etc., and replace them with the Bible, prayer, the Saints, the best of Christian literature, icons, and other art forms from the Church’s 2,000 years of history, and the like.

If we truly care about our children, about the future of Louisiana, we will not separate the young from Christ:  ‘Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not’ (St Luke’s Gospel 18:16).

As it is, evil has become so deeply ingrained in our society that many can’t see it even when they are face-to-face with it:

Do not put away the battering rams just yet; keep them polished and ready at hand to open new breaches in the Left’s citadels in the ongoing culture war as you turn your focus from Roe to the nullification of Engel and Abington.




List of La Conservative Caucus members

Contact information for the Caucus members

La Family Forum


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

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