
Tuesday, July 19, 2022

‘Transmutation through Love’


Pilgrims on wilderness errand,

St Edmund was pierced with arrows for you.


Secular Yankee traders,

St Edmund was slaughtered for you.


Industrial barons of Boston,

St Edmund was beheaded for you.


Transcendentalists, Mormons, homosexuals,

St Edmund was martyred for you.


The New England Way is to break the shape

Of the world and transform it through satan’s malice.

But in freely giving his body

To be broken by the heathen Danes

For the love of God and his Christian people,

King Edmund showed the true way to transformation

Of human nature into Godlikeness.

And through this change, irrational creation,

Like the wolf that guarded St Edmund’s

Severed head, will likewise obey you,

As you pour into it the infinitely

Powerful and recreative Grace of God.


For an account of the life and martyrdom of St Edmund of East Anglia (+869), the Patron Saint of all England and a pre-eminent ethnarch of the New England tribe, please visit this web page:


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

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