
Friday, August 19, 2022

Offsite Post: ‘Politicians, Popularity, and Contempt for Confederate Veterans’


The Louisiana Legislature has gotten what it wished for:  the passage of a law (HB 248) to remove holidays honoring Robert E. Lee and Confederate veterans from Louisiana’s public calendar.

There is no little irony in this, however.  Many of those who voted for this bill tout themselves as small-government conservatives who support Christian values.  Do they not realize that the men whose memory they are desecrating were fighting for those very things? 

If they had taken the time to learn what ideas motivated the North and the South in the War, they would have seen that Southerners were quite fearful of the expansion of federal power that was proposed in Lincoln’s program and of the moral disorders that were accumulating up North.  New England was a hotbed of all kinds of depraved experiments – communism, feminism, Unitarianism, free love/open marriage, and more.  The victory of Lincoln and the North in the War was a victory for big government and moral degeneracy, the effects of which are still very much making themselves felt here in Louisiana and beyond.

Look at what we have, then:  The defenders of decentralized, limited government and of a society based on Christian virtues (Confederate veterans) Louisiana’s legislators kick and beat like a mangey dog, while the allies of centralized, unlimited government and of a society of continual ideological frenzies and upheavals (the friends of Lincoln and his Yankee cohort) they tenderly embrace.

Again, highly ironic.  But perhaps we can make some sense of this.

Most elected political office holders today are driven by a desire for praise and adoration from the public.  They want to be known as important people.  But how can they monopolize the public’s admiration when there are virtuous people, men and women of substance, from past generations with whom they must compete for it?  Is it not within the realm of possibility that some, or many, of our legislators harbor in some secret chamber of their hearts a jealousy of the Confederate veterans, that they want to appropriate for themselves the love Louisianans have for Lee, Richard Taylor, and the rest?

Which of them can measure up to Southerners of the old sort?  . . .

The rest is at


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

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