
Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Offsite Post: ‘Will the Red Wave Actually Demolish Any Blue Institutions?’


There wasn’t a ‘red wave’, which means we need to be even more vigilant at the local level.


Many signs seem to be pointing to the oft-mentioned Republican ‘red wave’ on November 8th becoming a reality.  Even if that materializes, it is still critical that everyone pay attention to what is happening locally, for the woke ideology is advancing silently along many lines even in small, out-of-the-way places, which threatens to undo any conservative/revivalist gains in the long run.

In my own area of Northeast Louisiana, in Monroe, a small-sized city – hardly a liberal bastion like Atlanta or New Orleans, one can see how deeply the LGBT/social justice/etc. agenda has embedded itself in influential places.

Big retailers Walmart and Target both received perfect pro-LGBT scores on a Corporate Equality Index.

Lumen has been given awards for that sort of thing, which it proudly promotes.

Atmos trumpets similar policies.

Newcomer Cadence Bank is of the same mind.

Surprisingly, Brookshire’s, which often portrays itself as something of a more traditional, Christian company, is now an ally of the LGBT/woke promoters.

Lastly, ULM has become quite friendly towards this ‘progressive’ crusade.  Its calendar has several entries honoring the LGBT cause, and there is a university-approved student organization on campus, the Lambda Society, that seeks to normalize the LGBT lifestyle as well.

Here are a couple of entries from the calendar to give folks an idea of what ULM is supporting:  . . .

The rest is at


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

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