
Friday, February 3, 2023

Offsite Post: ‘Constantius Lee’


Was there really chaos in the world?

It seemed distant to Constantius Lee,

Riding amidst the mountains’ beautiful scenes.


But that turmoil, unhappily, was all too real,

The combined Ukraine-Taiwan War had gone amiss,

Predictably, thanks to DC’s lunatic analysts.


The union had collapsed; survival was a struggle.

Violence and disorder held heavy sway

In many States.  Seeing his Southland in such disarray,


Constantius embarked on a journey

To make her well, a quest to find the relic

That could unite all Dixie and calm her cholic:


The Apostle Andrew’s holy right hand,

Brought to North American shores fifteen-hundred

Years before, when Saint Brendan the Voyager led


His Celtic monks across the sea in a leather boat.

Recalling the legend, he saddled his horse,

Bowed in prayer, girded on his forebear’s golden sword,


And set their course for the Ridge and Valley Mountains,

Where the Ogham script in West Virginia had been found.

As they neared the place, the verdure did abound,


A land a-glow in emerald greens of leaf and needle,

A bewildering tapestry of beauty,

Of cedar, oak, willow, dogwood, cherry,


And others, too, so delightfully interwoven

He could scarcely keep in mind the end he sought.

But then one night, in the moon’s silver light, he thought


In the distance there stood a human structure

Atop a towering peak.  He urged his steed

To quicken pace, and soon stood before a temple grand indeed.


All of wood with an ancient bearing, it blended

Perfectly with the trees surrounding, as though

No separation among them could be owned.

 . . .

The rest is at


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

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