
Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Offsite Post: ‘The Synaxis of Banned Confederates’


There is a funny little word that is suddenly meaningful for Dixie:  synaxis.  It is an ancient Greek word that translates to ‘a gathering’.  On some Church calendars, there are several celebratory memorial synaxes:  the Synaxis of the 70 Apostles (4 Jan.), the Synaxis of St John the Baptist (7 Jan.), and so on.  We, as Southerners, should add a new synaxis of this kind to our yearly calendars, in light of what the uS military has decided to do with its base names, etc.:  The Synaxis of Banned Confederates.

The Pentagon has provided us with the names to include in our Synaxis, via a report from Newsmax:

‘The USS Chancellorsville, a guided-missile cruiser named for a Civil War battle the confederates won, and the USNS Maury, an oceanographic survey ship named for confederate naval Cmdr. Matthew Fontaine Maury, are the two naval ships affected.

‘The nine Army bases affected are: Fort Bragg, North Carolina; Fort Polk, Louisiana; Fort Benning, Georgia; Fort Gordon, Georgia; Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia; Fort Hood, Texas; Fort Pickett, Virginia; Fort Rucker, Alabama; and Fort Lee, Virginia.’

For clarity, they are, with the days they reposed,

-Commander Matthew Maury (1 Feb.)

-Gen Braxton Bragg (27 Sept.)

-Gen Leonidas Polk (14 June)

-Gen Henry Benning (10 July)

-Gen John Gordon (9 Jan.)

-Gen A. P. Hill (2 April)

-Gen John Bell Hood (30 Aug.)

-Gen George Pickett (30 July)

-Col Edmund Rucker (13 April)

General Robert E. Lee (who reposed on 12 Oct.), we feel, needs no introduction.

There are, of course, many more who could be named, but these will suffice for this Gathering, given that they are the ones singled out in the report.  Serious consideration should be given for other synaxes, though, like a Synaxis of the 12 Southerners who wrote I’ll Take My Stand, which could be held on the book’s original day of publication – November 12th.

And we know just what day to celebrate this Synaxis:  June 9th, the day a typical New England shrew, Senator Elizabeth Warren, proposed this genocidal scrubbing of anything Southern from the uS military’s consciousness in 2020.

 . . .

The rest is at


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

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