
Friday, August 16, 2024

Offsite Post: ‘After Tucker’s Putin Interview, the Deep State Strikes Back’


That didn’t take long.  With Tucker Carlson’s interview with Russia’s Vladimir Putin nearing 200 million views at last count, and with the latest Ukraine funding measure facing an uncertain future in the US Congress, the swampy Deep State in DC panicked and launched a rather obvious psychological operation designed to reignite US fear of Russia through their lapdog media.  Here is CNN reporting on the newest Russian threat that the US/wider Western world are supposed to be very afraid of:


The US has new intelligence on Russian military capabilities related to its efforts to deploy a nuclear anti-satellite system in space, according to multiple sources familiar with the intelligence.


The intelligence was briefed to Congress and key US allies, and some lawmakers say it is serious enough that it should be declassified and made public. While the intelligence is concerning, multiple senior members of Congress briefed on the information on Wednesday emphasized that it does not pose an immediate threat to the US or its interests.


The system remains under development and is not yet in orbit, according to three US officials familiar with the intelligence. It’s not clear how far the technology has progressed, one of the officials said. A separate US official told CNN the threat does not involve a weapon that would be used to attack humans.


It was not immediately clear whether the intelligence referred to a nuclear-powered, anti-satellite capability or a nuclear-armed capability.


 . . . Earlier Wednesday, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Republican Rep. Mike Turner of Ohio, ignited a firestorm on Capitol Hill when he issued a cryptic statement announcing that the panel had “information concerning a serious national security threat.”


In a letter to lawmakers inviting them to view the intelligence in the committee’s classified spaces, he said that it related to a “destabilizing foreign military capability that should be known by all congressional policymakers.”


Immediately, lawmakers began tramping down to the House basement to learn what the intelligence was.


Some left underwhelmed. One Democratic member with deep national security experience said that they had never before received that kind of urgent summons over a national security matter during their time in Congress — and that the intelligence they saw when they arrived was not urgent enough to justify Turner’s alarm-pulling.

It is telling that CNN is hedging their bets here.  Perhaps they are not willing to go all in on another bonanza of CIA lies about foreign countries in the wake of - Saddam’s got WMD, everything’s fine in Afghanistan, Qaddafi’s a madman, etc.  Whatever the case, folks in the West should be ready for more psyops about Russia in the coming weeks and months to keep them from having any feelings of friendliness towards Russia.

More on that in minute.  But first, a little more on what’s going in the Ukraine and with the latest funding measure.  Scott McKay is correct; it isn’t about helping the Ukraine:


But it’s very obvious that the interests of the Ukrainians and the interests of their kleptocratic government – and more to the point, the interests of the corrupt Washington elite who are openly telling us that “aid” to Ukraine is really more about funding for the U.S. defense industry, while behind the scenes that “aid” is little more than a money laundry for D.C.-connected nonprofits – are not the same.

And it is worse than Mr McKay lets on.  Globalist totalitarian groups like BlackRock are poised to profit immensely from a prolonged destructive conflict in the Ukraine while regular folks there (and here) fall into penury:


War is Good for Business. The greater the destruction, the greater the stranglehold on Ukraine by “private investors”:


“BlackRock and JPMorgan Chase are helping the Ukrainian government set up a reconstruction bank to steer public seed capital into rebuilding projects that can attract hundreds of billions of dollars in private investment.” (FT, op cit)


The Privatization of Ukraine was launched in November 2022 in liaison  with BlackRock’s  consulting company  McKinsey, a public relations firm which has largely been responsible for co-opting corrupt politicians and officials Worldwide not to mention scientists and intellectuals on behalf of powerful financial interests. 


“The Kyiv government engaged BlackRock’s consulting arm in November to determine how best to attract that kind of capital, and then added JPMorgan in February. Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced last month that the country was working with the two financial groups and consultants at McKinsey.


BlackRock and Ukraine’s Ministry of Economy signed a Memorandum of Understanding in November 2022.


In late December 2022, president Zelensky and BlackRock’s CEO Larry Fink agreed on an investment strategy.


 . . . The privatization plan enunciated in December entitled “Development of SMB 2023: opportunities, sustainability and recovery” is now being implemented.


According to Vitaliy Koval, in 2024 the Fund plans to put up:


… for privatization about a thousand objects that open up new opportunities for business. These assets will be auctioned, ensuring a fair and transparent process.


Vitaliy Koval, Chairman of the State Property Fund of Ukraine, presented the 2024 SPFU plan. He emphasized that small and medium-sized business will be main beneficiary of this process.


The small and medium sized businesses including agricultural and industrial SME will be wiped out. Many of these assets will be purchased at a negative price. 


 . . . Ukraine is in the stranglehold of Big Money. BlackRock and JPMorgan.


Ukraine’s Privatization Initiative sets a precedent. Entire countries can be privatized.


Wars are money-making operations for the Military Industrial Complex (MIC).


There have been 3 peace initiatives since 2014 including Minsk 1 and 2 agreements, and Istanbul (March-April 2022) of which the draft was signed by representatives of Ukraine and Russia. The implementation of these Peace initiatives was the object of sabotage.


Peace as well as “Cease Fires” are not “Good for Business”.


“Ukraine’s people desperately need a future based on welfare and peace, but in reality Ukraine is being driven towards the kind of huge indebtedness that leads to subservience and dominance.” (Bharat Dogra, Global Research, June 28, 2023)


The outcome is mass poverty and social devastation of an entire country, under the guise of “reconstruction”. 

This asset-stripping of the Ukraine is, by the way, precisely what the West had in mind for Russia post-communism, and which she largely got in the immediate aftermath in the 1990s.  One of the main reasons Western leaders loathe Vladimir Putin (and try so hard to make all of us hate him, too) is because he put a stop to it:

 . . .

The rest is at


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

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