
Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Offsite Post: ‘The Ten Commandments Charade Continues’


We are beginning to wonder whether or not Louisiana’s State legislators who advocate placing the Ten Commandments in public schools have actually read them; their statements in support of the legislation (HB71) do not square very well with the Commandments themselves.  Here is another example from LRN:

The House overwhelming approves legislation requiring schools that receive state dollars to have the ten commandments posted in their classrooms. Opponents say its unconstitutional because it’s an endorsement of religion, but Chalmette Representative Michael Bayham argues the Ten Commandments set the foundation for laws we follow today


“This is where we get our foundational beliefs of what’s right and what’s wrong. Otherwise where do we get our sense of right and wrong? Does it just pop in our heads? Or does it just come from a statue book? Everything traces back to the ten commandments in Western civilization.”

Rep. Bayham’s argument seems to be as follows:  We should support placing the Ten Commandments in public schools in recognition of the fact that they form the basis of modern Western laws.  That would be a fine thing to do, except it is wrong to claim that this is really the case in the West.  Let’s run through some of the Commandments and contrast them with modern law:

First Commandment:  Proclaims the Holy Trinity as the only True God; forbids the recognition of any other god.  Does any Western country or any State of the US officially recognize the Holy Trinity of the Bible as their God?  Do any of them forbid the worship of all other gods except the Trinity?  As to the first, only a tiny minority; as to the second, not to our knowledge.

Second Commandment:  The making and worshipping of idols are forbidden.  What Western country forbids this in their law code?  None.

Third:  Taking the name of the Lord in vain is prohibited.  What Western law code forbids this?  Rather, such an act is now protected as ‘free speech’ in most places.

 . . .

The rest is at


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

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