
Saturday, September 16, 2017

Some Thoughts on Occidental Dissent’s Post ‘The Cultural Vanguard Strategy’

‘We’re romantic nationalists . . .’

For the South to advance at all, she must avoid repeating the mistakes of Europe.  Pure nationalism is one of them, which led to constant wars in the 19th and 20th centuries.  Individualism among a people is bad; individualism among nations, which is what nationalism is, is also bad.  The South, and Western Europe, need to root themselves in something that allows both unity and diversity, not one or the other.  They will find this in the Orthodox Roman Empire, in which one will find many nations and ethnic groups mostly running their own affairs and living together in general harmony but under the final authority of the Orthodox Roman Emperor, who helps maintain that harmony as the father figure over them.

Western Europe was at her best when she was a part of this Empire, which began with the ascent of St Constantine to the imperial throne and was centered first in Old Rome, then in New Rome/Constantinople, and ended (for now) in Russia in 1917.  Within this Empire, Western Europe both received and gave the holy light of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:  receiving from places like Palestine, Asia Minor, and northern Africa, and giving, in the cases of the Irish and English missionaries, to the heathen peoples from France and Switzerland to Scandinavia.

She is at her worst when she cuts herself from this Empire, as she has done since the Great Schism of 1054, in her pride considering herself the all-important center of the world; and not only sundering herself from it but actively fighting against it in the cases of Charlemagne, the Crusade to sack Constantinople (1204), and various wars against Moscow, the Third Rome.

Romantic nationalism is one of many substitutes for the loss of the Orthodox Faith and Empire after Western Europe was torn away from the Orthodox Church in 1054.  Returning to an earlier error, however attractive it may look to us today in our rather dire circumstances, will not save us from trouble down the road.

‘First, we have to understand who we are. We are alienated, disaffected, disillusioned White Americans.’

Andrew Korybko had something helpful to say about this:

Because most "white nationalists" have lost touch with the ethnic identity of their ancestors and largely don't consider themselves as Polish-, Italian-, Irish-, or other European-Americans anymore but just as "white Americans" or more simply only "white", it can be argued that they themselves are ironically an outcome of the very same liberalism that they despise. This is due to the "success" that the far-reaching socio-economic implementation of this ideology has had in stripping them of their historical traditions and making them an indistinguishable part of a larger amorphous "white" blob which serves as a counterpart to what they view to be the similarly indistinguishable "black and brown" blobs that supposedly pose a threat to their culture. 

The cure for the symptoms of disillusion, etc. is not ultimately in our nationality or our race alone, but in the Orthodox Church.  She is what gives life to a people - unity, wholeness, meaning, etc. - or rather, the Holy Trinity Who lives in her.  We see it in East and West, St Symeon (Stefan Nemanja) and the Serbs, or King St Edwin of Northumbria, etc.

‘The goal is to create a polarizing social media spectacle. Again, we want to attract the angry, alienated, disaffected and disillusioned and organize them into a cultural vanguard.’

The South is probably not going to regain cultural or political freedom at the level of a street brawl.  Those loyal to Dixie are few in number, and there is little sympathy for such a cause even among those in the South.  Marching through the streets with guns on the shoulder, torches in hand, and shouting slogans will only alienate those she needs to come to her side.  Besides this, the violent Marxists would love for the last remnant of faithful Southerners to gather together where they could easily be waylaid, maimed, or killed, thus wiping out what traces of Old Southern culture remain.  It is natural for faithful children to want to live up to the legacy of their forefathers and mothers, but noble and glorious battle isn’t the way for this generation, nor would it resolve very much anyway, as that would not solve the root problem.

The battle, it seems, must be fought at the religious and cultural level.  To the extent she can, she must, as others have suggested, set up parallel institutions (banks, schools, farms, industries, stores, etc.) outside the influence of the transnational corporations that would preserve, strengthen, and hand down her traditions from generation to generation.  A street march won’t mean much to Mike McKenzie out in the country, but an interest-free loan or a donation from the Bank of the South that would allow him, when he has fallen on hard times and is being squeezed by the heartless banksters, to pay the month’s house note would mean a good deal to him and to those around him.

Ultimately, though, she must return to the Orthodox Church of her forebears and join herself to the Orthodox Roman Empire rising again in Russia.  The atheistic American Empire is collapsing; the time to act may come sooner than we think.  A South splintered among (forgive us for being blunt) heretical Roman Catholics and Protestants will fall apart into post-Modern nihilism, just as post-Schism Western Europe has done.  It will come here eventually, and romantic nationalism, great poetry and music, etc. will not ward it off.  Indeed, it has already begun to creep into Dixie.

The greatest need right now, therefore, is for leaders like St Edwin or St Ethelbert, King of Kent, who will lead all the willing Southerners, black and white, into the Orthodox baptismal font; build churches, cathedrals, and monasteries across the land; and actively evangelize those who remain outside the True Faith.  This will be her unity, this will be her strength.  In the Orthodox Church, she will live; outside of her she will die.

But if one still seeks ‘a polarizing social media spectacle’, what better one could be given in this age of darkness, apostasy, and relativism than a very public mass conversion of hundreds of Dixiemen and women to the Orthodox Faith, spitting on all the deadly errors and heresies of Modernity, living according to the Church’s calendar, keeping fasts and feasts, praying for the departed, and so on?

Forgive us sinful ones for writing, dear brothers and sisters.


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

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