
Friday, December 20, 2019

Unnatural Political Unions

They do eventually break up, even if it takes quite a while for it to happen.  The EU and the UK are just some of the latest ensamples:

The refusal of the British Establishment with its unrepresentative Parliament, the Metropolitan elite, including the Labour Party which obtusely ignored the voice of its electorate and so paid the price, and the BBC State propaganda mouthpiece, to continue not to implement the will of the people is over. For the UK election results make Brexit inevitable. And that makes the eventual collapse of EU tyranny inevitable. That makes those of us who have always fought against that tyranny ever since Conservative treachery forced us into the historic deviation of joining the then Common Market in 1973 happy. Who will be next to quit the failed EU? Hungary? Ireland? Slovakia? Denmark? Sweden? Freedom is in the air.

However, the results also show that not only is the collapse of the European Union inevitable, but also that of the British Union, forced by Establishment-organized violence, bribery and corruption on England in 1066, on Wales in 1282, on Scotland in 1707 and on Ireland in 1800. England is perhaps at last on its way to recovering its independence from the Norman-imposed London ‘British’ elite, Wales may follow, Scotland’s independence must be restored – however without aggressiveness towards the victim of England, and Northern Ireland, artificially cut off from the rest of Ireland for almost a century, will certainly be reunited with the South. From that point on the Four Countries will have to work out arrangements for a new, Non-Unionist, Confederation of the Isles.

 . . .

Hopefully it will not be long before the various cultural regions of the [u]nited States and the rest of North America are allowed to go their separate ways in peace as well.


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

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