
Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Pat Buchanan Shows the Way to Southern Independence

Mr Pat Buchanan makes an important observation about the New England Yankee Empire in one of his recent essays:  If a people resists being re-formed in its image long enough, the Yanks will get fed up with their hard-hearted ‘blasphemy’ against their pure religion of Americanism and leave them alone.  Mr Buchanan writes, 

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 With our “democracy crusades,” we have been trying to conquer and convert people who do not wish to be converted. Moreover, we lack the patience and perseverance to change or convert them. 

As imperialists, we Americans are conspicuous failures.

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 When it comes to spending lives and treasure indefinitely we find we have no vital interest in whether these lands we occupy are ruled by monarchs, democrats, dictators or demagogues, and we lack the staying power to occupy these countries until they accept our ideas and ideals.

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 Our enemies in the Middle East do not defeat our military. They outlast us. They apparently have an inexhaustible supply of volunteers willing to give up their lives in suicide attacks. They are willing to fight on and trade casualties endlessly. They do not subscribe to our rules of war.

 They tire us out, and, eventually, we give up and go home.

 They refuse to surrender and submit because it is their beliefs, their values, their faith, their traditions, their tribe, their God, their culture, their civilization, their honor that they believe they are fighting for in what is, after all, their land, not ours.

 They are not trying to change us. We are trying to change them. And they wish to remain who they are.

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 If it is a contest between armed forces, America wins. We can impose our will on the country but cannot win their assent. They resist until we tire of trying to educate them.

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 There is the map to Southern freedom from the Yankee Empire, which we have been forced to labor under since 1865:  Simply hold on to our traditions and refuse to abandon them for the shallow, utilitarian, atheistic Yankee alternatives.  Would there be hardships along such a path?  More than likely, as we have witnessed (and continue to witness) in places like Iraq and Afghanistan.  However, with God’s help, the prayers of the saints and angels, and a little Southern grit, the South can walk it to the end. 

 Hank Williams, Jr, was kind enough to write us an anthem to use in times that call for more doggedness than usual:


 Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

 Anathema to the Union!

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