
Friday, June 12, 2020

Terranigma and Coronavirus Connections

There is evidence that the current coronavirus crisis has been in the works for years and even decades:

More evidence of this comes from the world of video games, from the story of the Super Nintendo role-playing game Terranigma (released in 1995).  In it, one comes across an evil scientist named Beruga, whose goals are described as follows:

Beruga provides Ark with an insight into his personal image of paradise: A perfect world where all insignificant life is killed with a virus named Asmodeus and everyone else is made immortal by turning them into zombies.


A video clip of this encounter may be watched here:

This is very much in line with what we are seeing with COVID:  The weak and the old are dying, and many of those who are left alive have such a lack of courage, faith, will, etc. that they are practically zombies, dutifully obeying every word of their oligarch masters (Wear masks!  Close the churches!  Stay six feet apart!). 

And the name for the virus in Terranigma, ‘Asmodeus’, is also quite striking.  This is the name of the demon in the Biblical Book of Tobit who kills each husband of a maiden named Sara until he is driven away by Tobias and the archangel Raphael.  What has this got to do with the new coronavirus?  By naming their fictional virus after a man-killing demon, the Elite foreshadowed the man-killing nature of the COVID virus, which has struck down a much larger share of men than women:

(If your Protestant biases have kept you from reading the Book of Tobit, do yourself a favor and read it.  It is a most tender love story, and also does much to praise and encourage almsgiving:

Just some things to keep in mind as the scripted stage-play called COVID-19 rolls onward.


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

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