
Saturday, July 18, 2020

Making the Most of What We’ve Got: The Interstate Commerce Clause

As we were saying yesterday, the [u.] S. constitution of 1787 ain’t much, yet one of its worst features, the interstate commerce clause, could end up being of great help in the battle against the globalist manufactured economic crash associated with their plandemic.  Under this part of the charter, the uS Congress is granted the power ‘To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian tribes’. 

Furthermore, the federal Supreme Court has held fairly consistently ‘that activity was commerce if it had a “substantial economic effect” on interstate commerce or if the “cumulative effect” of one act could have an effect on such commerce’ and as such this activity could therefore be regulated by federal law (we do not argue for or against these legal doctrines today; we only wish to note their existence for now).  Now, if the federal government, for the sake properly regulating interstate commerce, can dictate the amount of wheat Farmer Jones grows on his few acres in the middle of Kansas, that States adopt stormwater runoff plans, what taxes a State can pass on dairy products, etc., surely the federal government, then, has the power to end the State and local lockdowns currently in place in the name of containing COVID. 

For without a doubt, these lockdowns are not only having a ‘substantial economic effect’ on interstate commerce, such that they can be regulated by the uS Congress; they are also impeding interstate commerce, which means they are trespassing on regulatory ground granted to the federal government.  Echoing Jon Rappoport’s blogs of the past week, if Donald Trump is worth anything as an outside agent of change, in the name of upholding the integrity of the interstate commerce clause, he needs to immediately declare the lockdowns unconstitutional and take actions to get everyone back to work. 

That said, this suggestion is a long shot.  We agree with Daniel Horowitz that conservatives should no longer put much faith in any branch of the federal government to implement serious conservative ideas.  We need to build firewalls at the local and State level instead:

Mr Horowitz is an interesting figure.  Though he is a Zionist, a member of the Cult of Lincoln, and a worshipper of the idol of Americanism, he is valuable in two ways:  in exposing the fraud of the COVID case and death numbers, and in denouncing the utter worthlessness of federal office holders to advance conservative causes.  For those reasons we recommend people visit his site every now and then:

If COVID were a real health crisis, then perhaps we would think differently about the above suggestions because of 10th Amendment concerns and the like.  But that is not the case; the lockdowns are causing much greater harm than The Virus.  COVID is clearly being used as a means to an end:  greater globalist control over everyone’s lives, the advancement of their inhuman, demonically inspired ‘Great Reset’:

Therefore, it behooves us (and especially those who believe in the greatness of the uS constitution:  InfoWars, FRC, AFA, National Review, etc.) to shout into Pres Trump’s ears a new meme:  ‘End the lockdowns; open interstate commerce!’

It is true that most in the States are sick with ‘the love of money’, as St Paul put it, and that we need to be cured of this illness.  However, we would rather that cure come from Christian sources - from the examples of monks and nuns, the teachings of bishops and priests, the prayers and miracles of the Saints - and not from the geopolitical machinations of diabolical agents.  Through the prayers of the Saints of North America, may we come to repentance and find forgiveness through the former and not the latter.


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

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