
Friday, July 17, 2020

The Russian and uS Constitutions Compared

For those who don’t know, Russians approved 206 amendments to their national constitution in an election that ran from 26 June to 1 July 2020:

Now that folks have had a chance to reflect on the results, some comparisons between the States’ 1787 constitution and Russia’s newly amended constitution are beginning to emerge.  One of the best comes from Dr Matthew Johnson in his podcast of 8 July:

In it, with the help of the Anti-Federalist writers, he lays bare what the Philadelphia charter really is and was always intended to be:  a stealth plan to empower an oligarchy.  It has been a smashing success.  Thus, those who spend a great deal of their time arguing for ‘a return to the Founders’ constitution’ are wasting their effort; it will lead us back to the same conditions we have at present eventually.  He then goes on to explain how the new Russian constitution, on the other hand, is now very much a populist document that will protect the common folk from predator-oligarchs.

Other analyses worth viewing about the new Russian constitution:

Additionally, some other articles that have appeared just recently argue how well off the North American English colonies were prior to the War for Independence under the monarchy (vis-à-vis taxes and other personal freedoms) over against what has come to pass under ‘the Founders’ constitution’, especially this one,

But these are good as well:

We do hope that all the Super Patriots of the South who are ready to bear arms to protect and restore ‘the Founders’ constitution’ will give a second thought to that.  It wasn’t a good system when it was adopted, and it isn’t a good system now, certainly not one worth shedding blood over.  Take some time to meditate on the Russian amendments; take some time to meditate on the benefits of Christian kings and on the Southern political patrimony prior to 1776.  If Dixie is going to rise up and throw off the current government system, the least she could do is to replace it with something that will be beneficial rather than baneful.

To help with such ponderings, here are the lives of some godly-minded monarchs to help us remember just how incredibly valuable it is to have a Christian king and/or queen at the head of the ethnos:

A short video about the blessed reign of the Holy Tsar Nicholas II of Russia and the martyrdom (+1918) of him, his wife, and five children -

King Ladislas I of Hungary -

King Olaf of Norway -

King Ferdinand III of Spain -


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

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