
Tuesday, October 19, 2021



‘All rulers are corrupt!’

France shrieked in a rage,

And lopped off her head.

Now she blunders about

Blind in the dark

And weak from the gushing

Of blood from the wound

On her neck.


                                    For exalting

The deranged passions

Of the body

Above the calm reason

Of the head, the cruelties

Of idolatry

Have returned to torment you.

In preferring the darkness

Of the lower bowels

To the light of the eyes,

You remain imprisoned

In an endless night

Of terrors and confusion.


But there is one

In Paris who can change

The fatal state,

One in Paris

Who is worthy

Of headship; one who makes

That city rightly

A capital –

The holy bishop

Germanus.  The eye

Of the nous was cleansed

And purified in him

Through his continual

Fasts, prayers, and alms;

His presence at the Church’s

Services; and his sharing

His table with the poor.


Thus opened, the Grace

Of God flooded

Through the nous, filling

Soul and body

With uncreated Light,

Making him more than man –

A god by Grace –

Divine and human,

Like his Lord Jesus Christ.


Having conquered

The fallen nature,


In the Life of

The Trinity,

Becoming a noble,

New creation,

A clear glass through which

Men see God and not himself,

He was made well worthy

To lead men.  His presence

And words and example

Swayed and transformed many:

Idolatry was abandoned;

Corrupting hedonism

Forsaken; kings renounced

Ruthless violence

And injustice

And honored Saints,

Built churches, and cared

For the outcasts instead.


The church bearing his name

And his relics has been

A reservoir of Grace

In the midst of Paris

For hundreds of years,

Where many have found

Healing.  But if you are

Willing, O France, let his

Greatest act of restoration

Be the recapitation

Of your head to your body,

Your humble repentance

And unfeigned obedience

To God-ordained


To Orthodox bishops and kings,

Guides and guardians

For men.  In their God-given

Light, you will have light

To walk by, and the fears

Of darkness will dissipate.

Safety and dignity

Will be bestowed

Upon you.  And France will be

Honored in the world

Again, no more a byword,

No more a thing

Of ridicule,

Secure there in the arms

Of your fathers,

In the hands of your papas.


A life of St Germanus of Paris may be read here:


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

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