
Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Mike Adams’s Hopes for a Post-COVID Resurrection of Mankind


We have benefited from the articles of Mike Adams and his fellow-workers at the Natural News web site.  And he seems like a nice enough man when hosting various shows and podcasts.  He is even a farmer here in occupied Dixieland.  So when he posted a podcast about the crucifixion of the world (alluding to the present COVID trauma) and its resurrection, we were intrigued.  But it did not turn out well; there were a number of troublesome ideas expressed in it.

We will begin with his main point, that mankind is being crucified like Christ, except that spike proteins and vaccine needles are piercing our flesh instead of nails and a virus corona tears at our head instead of a crown of thorns.  Because the divine Christ died and rose again, Mr Adams said, mankind too, being divine, will rise from the metaphorical grave of our suffering and experience ‘resurrection’, that is, a higher state of enlightenment or being, an awakening.

The problem with this is that mankind is not automatically resurrected from sufferings and death because he is not divine.  The innate divinity of man is the teaching of the heresy of Gnosticism.  Man can become divine, is in fact called by the Holy Trinity to become a god by Grace, but this only happens through the sacramental and ascetical life of the Orthodox Church, through baptism, through sacrificial self-emptying and love for the sake of others and the creation, etc.  Through these means, we are united to Christ the God-man, through Whom we receive new life and true resurrection. 

Furthermore, there have been many other events in which mankind suffered far worse than the COVID illness, yet after them he did not receive brilliant new enlightenments:  the devastating plague in the 6th century A.D. was followed up by the advent of Islam.  The West has seen a continual train of devastating wars from the French Revolution, to the War between the States, WWI, WWII, the Cold War, and the War on Terror with no ‘mass awakening’ following any of them.  China has received no blessings of resurrection following Mao’s revolution.  Why will this lesser suffering be so different from those greater sufferings in its effect upon mankind?

We will only receive blessings from sufferings if we accept the latter gladly from God as something we deserve for our sinfulness, as an opportunity for repentance, as a means by which we can draw closer to God and one another.  They do not flow automatically from sufferings like some sort of unalterable mathematical formula.

Mr Adams also made the assertion that God creates because He is bored, and that it is necessary for Him to create an infinite number of universes to alleviate fully that boredom.

But God could never be bored; if He is not completely self-sufficient in the infinite depths of His own Being, then He isn’t God.  The notion of infinite universes is a form of pantheism, endowing the creation with the attribute of divinity (i.e., infinity) they have stripped from their idea of God.  God creates the universe and mankind out of the overflowing of His Love (St Gregory the Theologian speaks of this), which He desires to share with other creatures made in His image who will love Him in return of their own free will.

Also mentioned approvingly by Mr Adams is the idea that life is a simulation.  But if life is a simulation, an illusion, then nothing has any meaning or value – neither suffering, nor resurrection, nor advances in scientific or spiritual enlightenment.  If the cosmos can be reshaped by one’s mental powers, then nothing has any definitive, objective existence:  Everything is relative; there can be no agreement on what constitutes human advances or declines, virtues or vices, if a dog is really dog, etc.  (Thanks to Jay Dyer for this insight.)

Life is not a simulation; every created thing has an unchanging ontological root in the logos given to it by Christ the Logos, in Whom all the logoi are united and in Whom they find their ultimate meaning and purpose for existing.  St Maximus the Confessor is one to consult more on this subject.

Finally, we will mention Mr Adams’s friendly embrace of ETs with whom he believes mankind will be united in friendship in the future age of enlightenment that is coming after the COVID debacle.  In short, space aliens are demons in another guise.  But since this is something we have written about before, we will let those earlier posts speak for themselves rather than repeating ourselves.  Here are a couple of them:

We do appreciate Mr Adams’s good work in other fields, but we hope he and those who heard the podcast referred to above will take the time to get grounded in the teachings of the Holy Fathers of the Orthodox Church, whose views about God, man, and the cosmos give us the clearest picture of, and the only sure path to reach and experience, reality.

Orthodox Spirituality, by Fr Dumitru Staniloae

Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future, by St Seraphim of Platina


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

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