
Friday, November 5, 2021

Offsite Post: ‘The Dangers of Religious Freedom’


For all the good things taking place in the States – revolts against corrupt school boards, governors and State legislatures trying to guard their fellow citizens against federal vaccine mandates, a labor uprising against Amazon – there is an elephant in the room that threatens to crush them in the dust unless it is addressed.

That five-ton mammal is religious freedom, and it showed the destruction it is capable just recently in Pennsylvania:

MEDIA, Pennsylvania (WPVI) -- A local Satanic organization has convinced a school district in Delaware County that its dress code was discriminatory against Satanists.

Joseph Rose, the founder of a local organization called Satanic Delco, says fellow Satanists with children attending schools within the Rose Tree Media School District made him aware of the verbiage in the dress code banning any clothing or gear that are "satanic in nature."

"The idea that a public school would allow religious expression in school, but choose to single out and prohibit the expression of one specific religion obviously seemed like a problem for us," Rose said.

It took about a month of consistent emails and phone calls to the district before the superintendent sent out an announcement reading in part "... Although we have had no complaints or concerns brought forward by any student, parent, or resident we will remove this language from our current dress code information in the student handbook."

 . . .

--Walter Perez

For more than 200 years, folks in the States have been under the illusion that Christians would be better off without any special recognition by the various centers of governmental power – whether local, State, or federal.  Events like the one mentioned just above (which are becoming more prevalent) prove how wrong we have been.  Christians/Conservatives/Revivalists are being seriously out-maneuvered by men with bad intentions, and it will cost us dearly (both the souls of our descendants and the decline of the broader physical culture) in the future if we don’t do something about it now.

The only way we can stave off the coming societal disaster is to amend Louisiana’s Constitution to declare in some manner that Christianity is the underlying religious foundation of our State, and that anything that runs counter to its traditional historical beliefs – like Satanic clothing in children’s schools – should not be allowed.

Some will chafe at this, seeing it as a betrayal of a loyalty to abstract freedoms . . .

The rest is at


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

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