
Tuesday, December 21, 2021

‘The Call of the Prophets’


In ancient days, the Twelve Tribes

Of Israel were broken

Because of rulers and religion.

Jeroboam of the Northern Tribes

Began the worship of the Golden Calf

To keep his tribesmen separate

From the faithful tribes of Benjamin

And Judah to the south, who worshipped

The One God rightly in Jerusalem.


In later times, the Northern States

Rebelled against their Southern kin,

And erected as gods Machines and Mammon,

While waging war on Southrons

To convert them to this new-style creed.

Dixielanders fight a battle to withstand,

But are losing ground, for the faith they practice

Is itself unsound, a curious compound

Of ideologies from Geneva,

Rome, and Worms.  To hold the line

And lost lands regain, they must embrace

The Faith that has conquered ev’ry evil power:

Roman emperors, Greek philosophies,

Muslim sultans, and Marxist thugs.

But are there any prophets in the land,

An Amos or Elisha, who to Southern folk

Will preach the saving Orthodox Faith?

Another Tarwater, who the Spirit-

Heavy, flaming utterance will speak?


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

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