
Monday, December 20, 2021

Yes, Brian Wilson, There Is a Saint Nicholas


We appreciate the parallel that Mr Brian Wilson has drawn between Santa and his reindeer and the old solar gods with their teams of flying animals in this video of his:

Yet, in his attempt to critique the silly modern notions of Santa Claus, he falls into a trap not untypical of this age, what St Paul calls ‘zeal without knowledge’ (Romans 10:2). 

For there is a real 4th-century Saint named Nicholas, whose life is recounted here:

(See also

And who has worked and continues to work miracles for those who call upon him in faith:

One of his most remarkable miracles is the stream of fragrant  myrrh that continues to flow from his body’s relics, which now rest in Bari, Italy, and likewise from holy icons depicting his image:

Let us adore Christ, as Mr Wilson rightly suggests in his video, but let us likewise remember that God is not a lonely God, as Fr Stephen Freeman has said, that God is ‘wonderful in His Saints’ (Psalm 67/68:36)!


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

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