
Thursday, February 24, 2022

Prophecies to Heed


It is better... If they have even a little intelligence. It is better to avoid this and remain neutral. Not to take the side of anyone, neither the Russians nor the Americans, if they want to save themselves! The same goes for us! (Greece) If we make this catastrophic mistake, we will be involved in a war that will occur ar lightning speeds and will be fought with new weapons, which we have never seen before. Russia is called by God, ordained by God, to destroy the American state right now. It is destined to destroy the satanic state of Europe and America; which surrendered themselves to Satan.


After that, know that the forerunner, the true forerunner of the Antichrist, will be China; a country that will be a model of perfect obedience and world imprisonment, which the devil wants to impose on all people! And he will achieve this! Therefore, let's be more careful! And I would like to tell you something else. Leave them alone, all those who are so smart and who talk about all of this nonsense, which we hear from them. If they want to be reasonable people, it is better for them to pray, because the following day will be very difficult. We won't have food the following day. The following day we will have no medicine to treat our illnesses with.

Read the rest here:


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

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